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Author: Frida Martinez (Page 2 of 8)

Final Artist Statement- Frida

I was very proud of the video I made. I believe I covered up the three main topics I wanted to discuss. These topics were people, food, and history. I discussed how these three things all related to the importance and representation of Mexican culture. I also included some differences when it came to American and Mexican culture. Their foods are completely different from each other. I wanted the audience to know that just because American produced food is influenced by Mexican culture doesn’t mean it tastes the same as authentic and hand made Mexican food. I feel like I did really well in catching the viewer’s attention at the beginning of the video when I asked “When you think about traveling, what places come to mind?”. The normal answer would be cities like Paris, London, and New York. When it came to famous places known for its beaches, many people automatically think of Mexico and Cancun. I won’t deny Cancun is beautiful and a great vacation spot. However, there is so much more to this country than crystal clear beaches. As I mentioned in the video, it is important to understand the culture, history, and overall background of this country. It will make people’s traveling experience much more enjoyable. This also applies to the cities I previously mentioned. It is interesting to learn new things about a different country because it opens up your mind to the world and other things you probably weren’t aware of before. Everyone grows up differently and learning about other people’s lifestyles and cultures can help you out when you decide to travel somewhere else. Some countries have similar traditions and backgrounds. Once you have knowledge of understanding another culture, even people within that country will respect you. My goal remains the same. That is to make the audience do a little research of their own before visiting a country. I want people to understand that visiting the most popular area in that country doesn’t make you an expert. One thing I could’ve done differently is simply discussed the differences between Mexico and the United States. The reason didn’t do this was because I believe it is important to have a purpose in visiting a country. It’s obvious that these two countries have nothing in common. I didn’t want my project to be based on comparisons. I intended to make this video about curiosity and educate the audience on the things they should keep in mind before visiting a country. Overall, I enjoyed creating this short film about traveling specifically in Mexico. One thing I struggled with was trying to find clips that matched what I was talking about, but it all worked out in the end. I used a mix of photos and videos to get my point across. In the video, I also included a voiceover of me explaining everything. I hope this film is useful to future travelers who are curious and passionate about traveling like myself. Also intrigued by learning something new.

Rough Draft & Reviewers Memo- Frida

Rough Draft of Artist Statement: For my topic, I wrote about the differences between Mexico and the United States. I wrote about this because I believe that this topic can be useful to future travelers. I started by writing about something I was curious about. I chose to write about traveling and my curiosity about the world we live in. When we think of traveling, we all have questions. We’ve all wondered what it would be like to travel to another country. I decided to use that and write about the differences between the two countries who are located next to each other, yet are so different. What I want people to gain from my topic is a better understanding of Mexico’s culture, environment, geography, and history. This information will allow future travelers to learn more about the country before visiting it. The topic is essential for educating travelers because when most people hear about Mexico, they typically think about Cancun and the beautiful beaches. My goal is to educate and almost guide people into seeing more of what exists in this country besides their beaches. There is a lot to see in Mexico. For example, the historical pyramids built by ancient indigenous groups have a meaning and background. Some of the customs and traditions these indigenous groups practiced are still used by people in Mexico. There are still many other things that make up the beauty of this country. This includes museums. art galleries, famous landmarks, and traditional restaurants. My intention is also to get people out of their comfort zone and get them to travel and learn more about the world. Being used to your surroundings restricts you from discovering new things and learning something new. I want to make people curious about the world and do their research before going to another country. Learning about culture and history says a lot about how individuals behave and will make people’s traveling experience more interesting. The genre I chose for my topic was an informational video where I discuss Mexico’s culture and add pictures to give the audience a view of what Mexico is all about. I will also discuss the differences between the United States and Mexico. In both countries, certain holidays are celebrated differently. People also behave differently and this usually because of culture. A video is the best way to get travelers attention because if I personally wanted to learn more about a country, I would want to a visual representation. Videos will point out the things you should do or what places you should visit while visiting the country. Something I could have done differently was created a blog post about my discoveries in places I explored. In this case, I would talk about the things I’ve done in Mexico. If I was to write a blog post I would try to convince others to check out similar things I did during my visit. Recommendations are also useful for travelers. As I mentioned before, people enjoy visual work. This is why I decided to create a video instead. 

Reviewers Memo: I intend to make people’s traveling experience more interesting by teaching them something new about Mexico. I want people to be willing to take my information as well as doing research of their own before visiting Mexico. So far, I am feeling good about my project. I have made progress. I am not really having any problems yet. My sources are working well since my topic is based on traveling. I am trying to add more sources I used in my writing and incorporate it into my video. I will then add a brief description under the source (ex: a photo) along with a voice-over of me explaining everything. I am proud of the progress I made and the layout of the video. In the video, I will start by creating an idea for the audience. This is where curiosity comes in. Asking questions like what would it be like to travel? Why do we travel? What do we want to see when we travel?… These questions will start as the introduction. Then, I will get two different countries and discuss their differences. As well as what we should keep in mind when visiting. People, culture, and geography will be discussed as well. 



Discussion forum

My video is doing well. As I previously said on the video progress, I am still debating between what sources I should include in my video. That is pretty much all I am struggling with, but I have an idea of how my video layout is going to look like.  I still haven’t decided on a song either. I want to be able to capture the audience’s and create a mood.

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