A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Hi this is me :) – Genesis

One of the words I feel about the course is HAPPY . Today was a new beginning for me , What Can I say a new enviorment ! It was a bit hectic at the start of my  day but I will remain positive throughout this journey and try my best to do everything in order to DO GREAT . I felt more calmer once , I got in touch with this class through zoom . It’s very hard for me to express myself towards a course or to ask any questions as well but with the feeling I have now about it makes me have a lot of confidence within my self which is very hard to get . One of my worries of being an online student is the way I usually learn but I am not the only one going through this . All of us are but I hope we all can find a way to having a wonderful time this semester

The image below means so much to me because those words are simply to grown ,GLOW , and never give up on anything It can be accomplished no matter what


  1. Katherine

    Hey genesis, I agree with you about the new beginning, this is also a new beginning for me since I have been out of school for a while. Cheers to new beginnings!!! 🙂

  2. Dr. Vivian Papp

    Hi Genesis,
    I am so glad to hear that you feel happy. I agree with you that it will be a fabulous semester filled with all sorts of new beginnings: new friends, new ideas, new ways to grow. Welcome to the class!

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