Category: Discussions (Page 11 of 21)

Purpose of Journalism

One thing that I read from the article that shows that it’s doing their job is how they seek the truth. One of the key points I noticed in the article was how journalism is a storytelling purpose. It’s not just to gather the audience but tell the readers the truth on what they have to know that is important. Another key point I’ve noticed in the article is to not ignore citizens. Ignoring the citizens is the effect of disenfranchising them. When it comes to journalistic truth it is the process of verifying and assembling the facts. They have to provide the truth and be transparent. Lastly, with journalism you are also bringing people into the conversation because you want to add someone’s voice to the conversation. 

Unit 1


One of the articles I found really interesting was, “Can Afghanistan’s leading Broadcaster survive the Taliban?” talks about how a cameramen and a journalist were attacked by the taliban , Ziar Khan Yaad, a tolo journalist was beaten five times at gunpont range. As a result of this happening, the taliban also attacked another journalist who was a german broadcaster from Deustsche Welle who one of his family members was shot and killed because he had left the country. Two female journalists were also barred from their jobs as broadcasters as one the female workers at Tolo who interviewed a Taliban about these attacks has fled the country along with many other journalist, this grabbed the attention to the global public because as an intervierwer she knew a lot about what was going on in their country because of all the information she obtained from her interview, it raised a red flag to taliban and was something they were drawn into, as a result many people in Afghanistan were forced to deactivate their social media so that no information about what was going on can be seen.


One of the writing strategies in “Did I really just buy Ebony” I noticed the author was using would be the use of quotes. The use of dialogue is present here because theres a conversaton between two characters Ebony and Eden , Ebony being the interviewer is the one asking the questions and Eden answering them, Eden quoting what she says.

Article Response

After reading 2 articles plus an interview, on 2 different topics I was given a sense of urgency on a crisis, and a success story. In “Taliban Take Over in Afghanistan,” I was exposed to the dire situation of freedom loving people in the media in Afghanistan. In “Ebony Returns to A Chronical New Moment” I was treated to reading amount a media comeback story. While one story talks about the revival of a media outlet, the other unfortunately talks about the fading of another. When I digest these concepts I can see just how lucky we are to be in a free media society while Tolo and her media outlet have moved underground and face the imminent threat of suppression or death. All of us are allowed to at least attend online school and post freely on social media or on the website, while others do so anonymously. Overall i get a bittersweet feeling after reading the 3 articles.

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