Author: Daniel (Page 1 of 2)

Week 15: Final Discussion Post

The West Village tour was the one that caught my eye. These neighborhoods have a lot of history to them which shaped the way New York really is today. There are a lot of things that I’ve learned from the video and would like to point out some interesting facts that I readout. First,  the “Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom” on Central Park in 1916, allowed women to come together to help end and prevent war from happening, taking place during WWI they used this platform to allow them to defend their rights and help them promote economical and social justice. Second, the plaque of Mark Twain was held at 14 West 10th Street where he lived from 1900 to 1901 for his novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” which was more of an imaginational novel and one of the biggest novels that really shaped America’s vision to be able to create the world of their own adventures connecting friendship and truth. Since publishing novels and papers were a big thing at the time, most of his novels changed literature the way it is today. I would also like to throw in there the “The Village Voice” on 61 Christopher Street on July 3, 1969, supporting gay rights and covering the culture and politics as well. Lastly, the opening of the Oscar Wilde Bookshop on 15th Christopher Street which was the first bookshop that opened its way in Gay Liberation movements allowed all gender and race to enter.  Most of these places have a lot of history to them, If I had to write a future paper or project that deals with social media I would probably look at some historical places that improved the way technology has taken the world today.

Week 4 : Discussion

An article that I decided to write about that can reflect the media and the world is about Poverty and Homelessness. The article talks about how the population itself has increased to more poverty over the years leaving towns and complexes to become one of the most dangerous areas, it’s a topic that’s not furtherly discussed often, and the percentages keep going up. Homelessness takes its origins from increased urbanization and gaps in social welfare. The reality of what brings one to the streets and the circumstances that lead to chronic homelessness is infinitely more complex. Poverty lacks social and family support,  and most important failed government policy leading to civil rights issues. For example, the LGBT communities who are living in poverty have no ability to absorb financial situations. People who are in poverty can be affected by various mental and health conditions such as psychiatric disease, mental and physical disabilities,  consequences of drug and alcohol abuse, and violence. Despite the many challenges, there are new roots in the causes of homelessness and the associated health and social consequences. These strategies included supportive housing, community empowerment, and mental/health strategies. Improving homelessness is important, eventually leading to poverty, it is beneficial to communities and systems, there are many websites and online applications that allow people to donate to the poor and give a helping hand, at this point society has relied on technology to the duties for them, we must look on how far it takes us.

Here is the article about  Poverty and Homeless Civil Rights issues and the effect on LGBT communities:

Poverty and Homelessness are Human and Civil Rights Issues


Unit 1


One of the articles I found really interesting was, “Can Afghanistan’s leading Broadcaster survive the Taliban?” talks about how a cameramen and a journalist were attacked by the taliban , Ziar Khan Yaad, a tolo journalist was beaten five times at gunpont range. As a result of this happening, the taliban also attacked another journalist who was a german broadcaster from Deustsche Welle who one of his family members was shot and killed because he had left the country. Two female journalists were also barred from their jobs as broadcasters as one the female workers at Tolo who interviewed a Taliban about these attacks has fled the country along with many other journalist, this grabbed the attention to the global public because as an intervierwer she knew a lot about what was going on in their country because of all the information she obtained from her interview, it raised a red flag to taliban and was something they were drawn into, as a result many people in Afghanistan were forced to deactivate their social media so that no information about what was going on can be seen.


One of the writing strategies in “Did I really just buy Ebony” I noticed the author was using would be the use of quotes. The use of dialogue is present here because theres a conversaton between two characters Ebony and Eden , Ebony being the interviewer is the one asking the questions and Eden answering them, Eden quoting what she says.

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