Weekly Schedule 


For Monday:

Office Hours (4-5 pm)  Attendance optional

Class Open Lab posts due by 12 pm (so I can respond before we move on)     

By Tuesday:  I will post your weekly assignment


City Tech Spring 2021 Academic Calendar (including withdrawal deadlines)                       


Class Readings


Class Assignments


Week 1



Classes begin 8/25

Welcome to City Tech and English 1151





·       Register for OpenLab and request membership to our course site

·        Write your Self-Introduction to our class (post by Monday, Aug. 30)


Week 2




Unit 1: The Journalist at Work

“Ebony Returns to Chronicle a New Moment”

“Did I Really Just Buy Ebony?”  Interview with Eden Bridgeman Sklenar


·       On OpenLab, discuss what you found interesting about the article and/or interview

·       For the Interview essay, mention a writing strategy that you think will be helpful for a student journalist. Read your classmates’ responses prior to posting, so you contribute a new point.

·       Create free New York Times account


Week 3








Work on Student Profile (Assignment #1)

What Is “News”?

Watch Professor’s Video and Follow the News on This Topic

Read “Elements of Journalism”




Week 4





Lewis Wallace “View from Somewhere” and his Op-Ed “Objectivity is Dead, and I’m Okay With It” ·      In a paragraph, respond to one point Wallace makes in his writing that you found interesting and important.

Give a current example that speaks to the danger of journalists being too neutral or a story that isn’t being covered but should be?


Week 5

Tues. 3/2


“Writing the Opinion Essay” (Assignment #2) OpEdAssignment

Read Caroline Hellman “In Defense of the Classroom”

·  What are the key features of an OpEd?
Week 6






History of  the First Amendment






Week 7





The Anatomy of Fake News by Nolan Higdon  


Week 8






Anthony Adornato’s Mobile and Social Media Journalism (2018):  mobileandsocialmedia






Week 9






Mobile and Social Media Journalism

The History of the Media

Film: “Voice of the People: Joseph Pulitzer”

Review: “City of Print” Website






Week 10




The History of the Media

Film: “Voice of the People: Joseph Pulitzer”

Review: “City of Print” Website

Review Pultizer Prize Web Site and Winning Articles




Week 11



Feature Writing

Annie Correal, “The Epicenter”

Week 12




Feature Project Discussion


·    Write a 1-paragraph proposal for your Unit 4 Project and share on OpenLab. Include which genre  best suits your project, and your intended audience


Week 13




Melvin Menchen, “The Reporter at Work” MencherNewsReporting
Week 14




·       Schedule Meeting with the Professor
Week 15








Week 16




Final Feature Project due




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