First Asssignment

In ” Can Afghan’s Leading Broadcaster Survive The Taliban” was interesting article that the Taliban is attacking journalist if they report a headline against the Taliban. The Taliban is making the society and journalist’s life at risk. The Taliban were not taught to respect women and they are totally against women rights. That is the reason why Afghan people left Afghanistan permanently. In “Did I Really Just Buy Ebony” by Avis Weathersbee makes a phenomenal interview essays. The way she wrote the interview essays that has to do with about African American celebrities and world famous leaders. The moral lesson that the author is trying to give is that everybody has the right to speak up, freedom of speech, and everybody’s voice should be heard in order to serve justice.


  1. Steven Bachoo

    Hey Kashfi I enjoyed reading your response and I agree to what you said about the moral lesson. It is very important to speak up and have your voices heard.

  2. Steven Bachoo

    Hey Kashfi I liked reading your response. I agree to the part about how you need to have your voices heard.

  3. Steven Bachoo

    Hey Kashfi I enjoyed what you put down in your response. I also agree to what you said about the moral lesson. Everyone should be in a place where your voices should be heard and be listened.

    • Mark Noonan

      Excellent pick-up Steven on Kashfi’s interesting post. So much of being a good journalist is about being truly concerned for the welfare of others and trying to make the world safe and open for all.

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