Melissa Dos Santos

My name is Melissa. I live in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn; Iā€™ve been living in NYC for almost 9 years. Iā€™m originally from Cambridge, MA. Iā€™m an avid reader, specifically classical literature, essays, poetry, and all forms of news media. Over the summer, my readings have been a melange of Baudelaireā€™sĀ Paris Spleen, essays by Camille Paglia, classic works such as theĀ Master and MargaritaĀ andĀ Who Killed Homer.Ā I love live music – excited for the upcoming season at Carnegie – bird watching at the Ramble, and cooking Ottolenghi inspired dishes. Iā€™m a plant mom and addicted to yoga.

Iā€™m a sophomore. I never felt the need to be ā€œcredentialed,ā€ but I ran out of things I wanted to pursue that didnā€™t require a degree, so I returned to school after 15 years. I completed prereqs for nursing, but Iā€™ve had a change of heart, and Iā€™ll be transferring to City College in the spring to pursue international relations. Iā€™m exploring my options and following wherever my inspiration takes me.

Iā€™m taking this class to practice my amateur writing skills. I originally intended to take the introduction to poetry course, but journalism attracted me due to its practical application.

Here are some of my ā€œchildren.ā€ Theyā€™re a mix of medium indirect light and succulents. The wall behind them was purposefully painted yellow so that in the morning, the sunlight bounces off the wall to create a golden glow. The plants are grateful.Ā  The natural world is a magical, pure and free domain that embraces me and fuels my imagination.Ā 


  1. Anderson Lazo

    Hey Melissa, first of all I love it I love your set of ā€œchildrenā€.It looks beautiful and itā€™s incredibly very well thought out.Iā€™m not much of a flower and plants person but with people like you is why more people start liking flowers.

  2. Mark Noonan

    Welcome aboard Melissa and, especially, welcome back to school after 15 years. I’m impressed with your Cambridge origins, the original (and on-going) mecca of culture, as well as your many intellectual and botanical pursuits.

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