My name is Melissa. I live in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn; Iā€™ve been living in NYC for almost 9 years. Iā€™m originally from Cambridge, MA. Iā€™m an avid reader, specifically classical literature, essays, poetry, and all forms of news media. Over the summer, my readings have been a melange of Baudelaireā€™sĀ Paris Spleen, essays by Camille Paglia, classic works such as theĀ Master and MargaritaĀ andĀ Who Killed Homer.Ā I love live music – excited for the upcoming season at Carnegie – bird watching at the Ramble, and cooking Ottolenghi inspired dishes. Iā€™m a plant mom and addicted to yoga.

Iā€™m a sophomore. I never felt the need to be ā€œcredentialed,ā€ but I ran out of things I wanted to pursue that didnā€™t require a degree, so I returned to school after 15 years. I completed prereqs for nursing, but Iā€™ve had a change of heart, and Iā€™ll be transferring to City College in the spring to pursue international relations. Iā€™m exploring my options and following wherever my inspiration takes me.

Iā€™m taking this class to practice my amateur writing skills. I originally intended to take the introduction to poetry course, but journalism attracted me due to its practical application.

Here are some of my ā€œchildren.ā€ Theyā€™re a mix of medium indirect light and succulents. The wall behind them was purposefully painted yellow so that in the morning, the sunlight bounces off the wall to create a golden glow. The plants are grateful.Ā  The natural world is a magical, pure and free domain that embraces me and fuels my imagination.Ā