For today, we have working to perfect the lighting setup that will be used in our game. But as an idea, professor Baker had us test the theory as to whether or not it is possible to make changes to a files that has been created in exported to Unity and then export those same files back to Blender. Unfortunately, at this time we discovered that Blender does not accept the changes simply because of the file format that Unity exports its files.
To be more precise, we experimented with the notion of creating a file in Blender and exporting to Unity. Then when you make the changes from the Blender file, we tried to find out if you make the changes from the original .blend file and send it back into Blender with the changes intact. However, this seems to not be possible because when you export a file(s) from Unity, it compresses and exports the file(s) in a .unitypackage file and Blender does not support this file format.
As a result, we have come to the conclusion that any changes that are made to the Unity files that were originally made and exported from Blender can only continued to be worked in Unity as a one time process.
Our next step is to tinker around with Unity and attempt to find an alternative solution to this problem as well as continue to work on our game’s lighting and control mechanics.