Journal #1

Kenneth Adams

Re Imagine Project

Shape shifting Key Journal # 1

In order to complete my project I would have to do a bit of research on keys and locks.  Changing the shape of a key can be a difficult task. Keys are naturally built to be solid. I would like to know what can make a key able to be molded. I want a particular key that can change its shape to fit into any lock wanted.  There is going to be more technology behind this invention. I would need to research how the key will respond to the lock. Will it be done electronically or manually. Misuse of this key can lead to an increase of crime taking place. I would need to research how to prevent someone from gaining access to this key without permission. Maybe a finger print system can be implemented.
One problem of mine could be how this key can store information inside of it. The purpose of the key would be to open any lock for the user. There could be a way to insert a chip inside of it to store data of the locks. This will also help with a security issue. If there is only a few locks the key can open due to data, it can prevent criminals from stealing and entering places that they don’t belong. The software can be installed wirelessly through a home PC or Bluetooth.  The software will allow you to store a fixed mount of locks that the shape shifting key can open.

Posted in Assignments, Journals, Kenneth R. Adams, Students | Leave a comment

Patent Summery Application


Posted in Assignments, Kenneth R. Adams, Patent Summary Applications, Students | Leave a comment

Final Paper

Project Title: The Shape Shifting Key



 Here are the keywords used in my project: Shape shifting, Master Key, Security,Lock,Wireless.Tracking Device.


    The project that I am working on is called the shape shifting key. This key will be designed to changed shape whenever it is needed to open a lock. The key will have a built in finger print system in it. It will only work with its designated owner to prevent wrongful intent. There are nights where you forgot to bring your key and you are locked out of your home. One day you may have lost your car keys. The shape shifting key is made for these moments. You can only purchase one key at a time. In order to get another key you would have to report the last key to the police. They will then deactivate the old key and make a new one for you with updated information for a price. The shape shifting key will be made to fit in your wallet. Losing the key will be very difficult unless you have lost your wallet. The key will have a chip in it with data of each lock that you own. In this case it can remember that it is your lock and how to change shape to open it. The shape shifting key would be given to the elderly and handicapped for free.


Research: Tangible

      Shape shifting Materials are Goal of New Nanotechnology Project Scientists will use Techniques to identify materials that  change  shape when reacting to  heat or light.There is a research team that received a $2.9 million grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research to design nanomaterials that change shape when reacting to the heat or light.These  materials will made from three  things.Inorganic nanoparticles with electrical properties; Peptides that bond to these nanoparticles; and some molecules called spacers These sit between the peptides and bend in response to  heat or light.When stimulated, the spacers will cause the nanoparticles within the material to change Shape-shifting materials that  the researchers are planning to create could have use in applications including color-changing sensors and plasmonic circuits that divert light in two directions.In depth description of research in the fields and satellite fields.The project is being led by Paras Prasad, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the University at Buffalo’s departments of chemistry, physics, electrical engineering and medicine, and executive director of UB’s Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics (ILPB). Funding comes from the Mathematics, Information and Life Sciences Directorate of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research .Hugh DeLong is the program manager.


More research:


Shape-memory alloy

 A shape- memory alloy is an alloy that remembersits original, cold-forgedshape returning to the pre-deformed shape when heated. This material is a lightweight, solid-state alternative to conventional  actuators such as,hydraulic pneumatic, andmotor -based systems. Shape-memory alloys have applications in industries including medicine and Aerospace .The two main types of shape-memory alloys are copper-aluminium-nickel, and nickel- titanium  alloys but SMAs can also be created by alloying zinc, copper,gold and iron. NiTi alloys are generally more expensive and change fromaustenite to martensite upon cooling; Mf is the temperature at which the transition to martensite completes upon cooling. Accordingly, during heating As and Af are the temperatures at which the transformation from martensite to austenite starts and finishes. Repeated use of the shape-memory effect may lead to a shift of the characteristic transformation temperatures (this effect is known as functional fatigue, as it is closely related with a change of microstructural and functional properties of the material. The transition from the martensite phase to the austenite phase is only dependent on temperature and stress, not time, as most phase changes are, as there is no diffusion involved. Similarly, the austenite structure receives its name from steel alloys of a similar structure. It is the reversible diffusionless transition between these two phases that results in special properties. While martensite can be formed from austenite by rapidly cooling carbon-steel this process is not reversible, so steel does not have shape-memory properties.

Here is a link to the website stating that shapeshifting objects  are being worked on




Research: Philosophical


    Keeping someone’s property  safe has  always worried of people throughout the world. Instead of hiding them, people tend to keep them safe with a device.Early solutions included knots to either detect, like the Thief knot, or hamper, like the Gordian Knot. Historians are unsure where the first lock was invented, but  some evidence shows that locks were developed in the Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations. Wooden locks and keys were used 4,000 years ago in Egypt. The first known lock was  a pin lock. This lock  was on a rope hanging out of a hole in a door. A  piece of wood with a hole in it was the key. The key is inserted into the hole and the bolt is pushed the correct distance. To lock the door the rope was pulled to extract the key cylinder.This type of lock is still  used  in someparts of the world. Puerto Rico still uses this system. A disadvantage of this lock is that a vandal can push the rope into the hole:Another lock would be the  warded lock.This lock is still used in modern times when the security required is not high and cost is a significant factor. This lock is well known  in the Western world. Lock puzzles were used to lock for a thief to waste time on.

     In the early 1900s a wooden pin lock with a wood key was discovered in Egypt.It has been improved by increasing the number of pins for security. Also by changing the build of the pins to allow the key to be able to unlock  instead of a rope. Locksmiths actually made the entire lock, working for hours hand cutting screws and doing paperwork..There are not many Locksmiths that do this today. Cheap mass productions prevents this. There arent many expert locksmiths around that are skilled in engineering and repairs. Most locks are just repaired by switching prts for replacement.Locksmiths today are primarily involved in the installation of higher quality lock-sets and the design, implementation and management of keying and key control systems. Most locksmiths also do electronic lock servicing, like making keys for transponder-equipped vehicles The majority of locksmiths also work on  door hardware.This includes door closers, door hinges, electric strikes, frame repairs and other door hardware.


  Full Project Description


    The shape shifting key would be made entirely for the elderly or disabled. Anyone could use purchase this key but i feel that it could be used more for those sort of people. The key would have a tracking device on the storage card just incase it gets lost. The storage cannot be removed. This device would store data wirelessly through bluetooth or the police servers. I mentioned earlier that if you lose this device you can only receive a new one by warning the police. The key would be able to change shape and fit comfortably in your wallet. Most people keep important things their wallet. For instance, Money, forms of ID, and metrocards. With these things being kept in your wallet you will take extra care of it. Chances of losing the shape shifting key would be slim. In my project the key would have voice recognition. For example, you walk to your home door and say Key shift Home. It will then change into a key that fits your door perfectly. People tend to have lots of things that requires a key to open them. For example, Car doors, Home doors, Work doors, Lock Safe, and more. Why carry a load of keys that can be heavy or take up too much pocket space. The shape shifting key will be one key that fits all. I know that something like this can cause trouble. People with wrongful intent will steal this key to commit crimes. To avoid this ive implimented a finger print scanner. The key will not operate to someone that has not been registered to it. When someone tries to use your key the police will be notified instantly. The thief will be tracked down without even knowing it. Stealing a shape shifting key would be a felony because it is primarily used by the elderly and disabled. There would be software for the key to install on your home computer. This software will allow you to enter different locks for the shape shifting key to remember. The shapeshifting key would retrieve this information from your computer wirelessly. The police will have your information just in case if you commit crimes as well. They will store the date you purchased the key, your name, date of birth, and address. Hopefully I could strike a deal with a lock smith company to make some money selling them shapeshifting keys. Also, the military can make good use of this item because they own a number of automobiles. Even at war they could steal the enemies car or plane and escape danger. The military would have special shapeshifting keys that read locks on doors with a scanner.

How would I advance my project for the future

There wouldnt be much that I could do to improve the key. It does pretty much everything  what I had in mind. For the most part I would make it easier to carry. With all of the technology inside of it, I assume the key itself would be really big and bulky. What I would love to do is promote the key world wide. Get the keys to sell in other continents like Europe of Asia. Also, Hospitals deserve keys like this as well. There are many doors in hospitals that may have different locks on them. It would be simple to have a key that can just open any door. This way the doctors can gain access to patients that are in need of immediate help. The key can be sold to many companys or places that use multiple locks. Digging through a set of keys just to open a specific door is a hassle. Universities can benefit from the keys as well because of the amount of classrooms within them.

Description of Deliverables


My first deliverable would be my journal. I would also include drawings of the shapeshifting key. Step by step would show the design of the key and its functions. There are a number of functions for this key. I believe people would want to see a visual of how they look and work. My last deliverable could be a brochure of me advertising the shapeshifing key, explaining what it does, and how to use it correctly or me advertising the product.

Posted in Assignments, Final Papers, Kenneth R. Adams, Students | Leave a comment

Journal Entries

Journal Entries

Entry #1

Since my last presentation, my next step is to learn a bit more about the technology that I plan to use to achieve the hover effect with the Seekers. I researched the internet and found some great article that explained, first the history of electromagnetism and then how it actually works. I’ve heard and knew a little about it, just what was learned in physics; however I didn’t know how it could be applied to my project. I decided that I now I knew a bit more about it through my readings, I should now focus on learning how the forces can be controlled.



This week I focused on learning a bit more about how to control the fields involved in using electromagnetic forces to achieve the Seeker hover effect. Not only does the Seeker need to hover, it also needs to be able to move in all directions. I found a few articles about controlling the fields, as well as some home experiments. I plan to use one of the home experiments to assist with my tangible deliverable. I think that at this point I can move forward with working on the video game presentation for the deliverables, which is going to take the most time. I have enough research information on the technology to update my paper for the final.



I started to outline the set up of the video game presentation and how it will look.  I focused on the setup and playability. The game will have the ability to outline each feature that the seeker has, therefore I will be working with a lot of animation and sound.

I was able to complete a solid plan for the set up. I will begin with selecting the characters and building the environment.



Since my last entry I have started building the environment of the video game. This is pretty much the area that the player will be navigation. I have a pretty clever idea which should go over well in the presentation. After the environment is complete I will add the characters and best of all the Seekers!



I have completed the environment and have been designing how the game is played. I’m animating the characters, and adding the controllers. I should have this wrapped up by my next entry where I will start the process of constructing my tangible (other) deliverable.

Posted in Assignments, Journals, Richard Morehead, Students | Leave a comment

Suly Paredes – Final Paper


Posted in Final Papers, Students, Suly Paredes | Leave a comment

Suly Paredes – 2 PITCHES

Makerbot’s new Replicator is a printer for real things


The main focus of these projects is to investigate and develop novel principles of adaptation and evolution for symbiotic multi-robot organisms based on bio-inspired approaches and modern computing paradigms. Such robot organisms consist of super-large-scale swarms of robots, which can dock with each other and symbiotically share energy and computational resources within a single artificial-life-form. When it is advantageous to do so, these swarm robots can dynamically aggregate into one or many symbiotic organisms and collectively interact with the physical world via a variety of sensors and actuators. The bio-inspired evolutionary paradigms combined with robot embodiment and swarm-emergent phenomena, enable the organisms to autonomously manage their own hardware and software organization. In this way, artificial robotic organisms become self-configuring, self-healing, self-optimizing and self-protecting from both hardware and software perspectives. This leads not only to extremely adaptive, evolve-able and scalable robotic systems, but also enables robot organisms to reprogram themselves without human supervision and for new, previously unforeseen, functionality to emerge. In addition, different symbiotic organisms may co-evolve and cooperate with each other and with their environment.

Makerbot devices perform “additive” manufacturing, which means they start with nothing and build from the ground up — like sculpting with clay. In the Replicator’s case, it heats up a special type of plastic and lays down thin filaments next to and on top of one another, eventually creating the form of the model. More expensive machines use “subtractive” manufacturing, where they start with a block of material and remove what they don’t need — like sculpting with stone.

Posted in Assignments, Suly Paredes, two pitches | Leave a comment

William Maldonado’s Hypermedia Map

Posted in Assignments, Hypermedia Map-Due Feb. 27, William Maldonado | Leave a comment

Luchia Dragosh – Final Paper


Posted in Assignments, Final Papers, Luchia Dragosh, Students | Leave a comment

2 Pitches

Google Applying ‘Virtual Brain’ Technology to its Products

The Secret of Brain Wave Vibration

Posted in Assignments, Luchia Dragosh, Students, two pitches | Leave a comment

Re-Making Project (Cinderella)

Original Cinderella

Cinderella was a story about an innocent girl who was mistreated by her step mother and step sisters after her father passed away. The evil step mother took all of her fortune and spend it on herself and her own daughters. Cinderella was stuck with doing all the chores and basically being a maid for her so called family. One day she asked her step mother if she can go to the ball but her step mother refuse to let her go, then out of nowhere her fairy god mother appeared and helped her. She was given a really pretty dress and a carriage, horse, and chauffeur. The only catch was that everything turns back to original form at strike of 12 midnight. With that said she and done, she was able to attend the ball but right before the clock strike 12 she rushed to leave and her glass shoe fell off. The prince went all over town trying to find the girl that fitted the glass shoe. The step mother try to stop her from trying on the shoe when the prince came to their house but that didn’t stop Cinderella. She was able to try on the shoe and after that she married the prince and had a happy ever after.

Cinderella Re-made

Cinderella is a story about a wicked little girl who killed her father by pretending to be in a cave, where she was being attack by a bear. when actuality she was outside the cave. the bear ate her father and she ran home crying to here beautiful, nice step mother whom she torchered relentlessly. without out her father around to stop her. Cinderellas step mother and daughters were forced into a life of servitude to Cinderella.  She lived a privileged life to the fullest extent. The step mother took all of her fortune and spend it on her and her own daughters got nothing. You see Cinderella threaten to tell the kingdom that her stepmother really killed her father and abused her. fearing the worst her stepmother did as she said.  One day the kings messenger came with news of a ball where the prince would pic his future bride from the kingdoms eligible single females.  but Cinderella refuse to let her step mother and sisters attend. after she left for the ball out of nowhere a fairy god mother appeared and helped them. They was given a really pretty dress, a carriage, horse, and chauffeur. The only catch was that everything turns back to original form at strike of 12 midnight. With that said she and done, they were able to attend the ball.  Once the prince eyes feel upon the step mother it was love at first site then the clock struck and they ran away suddenly leaving the 40 year old virgin prince hanging. But as they were exiting the step mother fell and lost her glass slipper.The prince went all over town trying to find the woman that fitted the glass shoe. Cinderella tried to stop her from trying on the shoe when the prince came to their house but that didn’t stop the prince. She was able to try on the shoe and after that she married the prince and had a happy ever after with Cinderella in the dungeon for the murder of her father.

Posted in Assignments, Rosa Lee, Students, The "Re-Making" Project | Leave a comment