Project 1, Phase 1. By Ahmed Elsamet

Obvious figure/ground

A piece of paper on the table, it’s an organic shape, since the background is black this picture is negative. Also you can tell what it is.

Obvious figure/ground

a 3 circles merged together, with 3 colors which are Yellow, Dark green, and Red. They actually looks like a paint on a white background. But it’s the sign of the open lab program. it.s an organic shape, and positive picture because the background is white.

Obvious figure/ground

A paint on a table. This paint it has 2 colors Blue and Pink, on a black background which makes it negative picture with an organic shape.

Ambiguous figure/ground

It’s a geometric shape picture, because its kinds blurred.

Ambiguous figure/ground

It’s a geometric shape picture, because the colors on the cover of the notebook it’s not organized.

Ambiguous figure/ground

It’s a geometric shape picture, because the shadows of the chair it’s also not organized.

COMD1100 Project #1 Amy Lai Pan

Two cracks found on the sidewalk outside the Supreme Court building. The shapes are geometric. This is an obvious figure-ground, as the concrete “supports” the cracks and split. Overall the composition in this shot remains the same throughout, which is lighted with no shadows being cast.

Multiple cracks and splitting found on a sidewalk. This is a geometric piece. Since the focus is upon the dark spot (dried gum?), this shot qualifies as an obvious figure-ground. The surrounding concrete supports this point of focus.

A wall with chipped paint, clearly done with multiple layers over the years. This piece is geometric, accompanied by an obvious figure-ground. There is an imbalance of ground (negative space) against the figure (positive space).

The remains of a plaque that was once displayed outside the Jay Street Metro-tech train station. It is a geometric shape with a unique interior (industrial glue/paste?). This shot is an ambiguous figure-ground, as there is a 50/50 balance of figure and ground. Its composition changes within the interior, as the shadows are slightly cast in between markings.

Similar to the plaque-remains-picture, this piece is placed outside the same train station. This shot is a geometric piece. Its composition changes within the interior of the design, but the outside remains the same. This piece is an ambiguous figure-ground.

This shot was taken from a column inside a train station. It is geometric with the point of focus being a circle, followed by the chipping paint. This is an obvious figure-ground, as the background supports the figure. The orb in the middle of the picture has multiple light sources pointed at it.

Project 1: Phase 1 – Caleb Boadu

This is a stained leaf found laying on little pebbles. I can be seen as an organic shape because it’s structure is not symmetrical. The figure/ground relationship is obvious because you can clearly see the background and object.









This is a Platform Edge found in the train station. It can be seen as a geometric shape because you can see shapes such as squares and circles. The figure/ground relationship is obvious because you can see that object that is being shown.


This is a Manhole Cover found on the ground. It can be seen as a geometric shape because you can see rectangles and circles. The figure/ground relationship is obvious because you can see that object what is being represented but it could probably also been seen as ambiguous because of all the details on the cover.


Not sure what this is, but it looks like a torn bicycle tire . It can be seen as a geometric shape because it’s round, but because it’s torn it could be seen as organic not having a clear shape. The figure/ground relationship is obvious because you can see the object.


This is a floor that has dark red stains on it. It can be seen as a organic shape because you can’t tell what shape is being shown. The figure/ground relationship is ambiguous because it doesn’t have a certain shape.


This is the floor in a train. It can be seen as a organic shape because you can’t cant tell what type of shape is being shown and it just looks to have a tone of colored dots everywhere. The figure/ground relationship is ambiguous because it is unclear and you are most likely trying to find a place of focus.