Painting with light

This picture is very successful because the light painting works very well with Marvin’s hand and it almost looks like he is creating fire with his hand. Also, his facial expression shows confidence and not bothered by the “fire” in his hand.


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painting with light – alberto bernal

with today shooting assignment of painting with light,i felt that creating something that looks like the subject has super power . I think the idea of the subject having the light look like he’s controlling electricity will make him look like a superhero. Within this shoot the subject moved a little by mistake which plays more into the whole concept of someone with super powers as it created a reflecting of him.  At the end also the way the light is painted looking like is coming out out of both of his hand work within the whole concept of having super power and the light green flame also with the overall concept.

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LL7- Painting with light


This photo is successful because the shutter speed was slowed down to four seconds which means that the light was able to be shown as a line since the camera takes a while to take the shot. A strobe light was also used to give light to the subjects in the picture. The strobe light was flashed first then the light was drawn to make sure that the person drawing the light isn’t shown in the picture.

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Painting With Lights


In order for us to create this image, we need to set the camera to a long exposure time. This was 10 seconds. We also need to use a strobe light to light up the subject. As soon as the light went off we used a flash light to paint the lines in-between his hands. The lights make this photo successful because you can clearly see the subjects face. He looks very surprised because of the lights in-between his hands makes it looks like he has powers. Also the subject is in the center of the photo which is very hard to get because of the dark room and you can not see where the subject is thought the screen until the photo is taken.

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Freezing Motion

26307795761_d4f93f233b_mI feel that the strongest features of this photo is the space and between the floor and his shoe and the shadow his foot creates to show he is suspended in air. Also the space between the ball and his foot because it captures the right moment of him kicking the ball up, towards the back.

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I think that some this photo’s strongest features is that it takes up the whole picture and that the picture is in focus. The ball being suspended in the air is another strong feature. The facial expressions in the picture is also a good aspect of the photo. The student on the left’s face is well lit and draws attention to him.

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Freezing Motion

IMG_4687 copy

This is the best photo that I took today. I think Jay’s blue shirt and the red scarf attain to a really beautiful color scheme in this photograph. Jay was looking the scarf and smiling, it seems like he has fun with this scarf.

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freezing motion


I choose this photo out of today’s group work because motion was capture appropriately; thus it does not feels as if the subjects stopped. The chain around the neck also strengthens the feel of movement since it is still in the air. Also the two different direction creates distance giving the feel that the motion will continue. The frame is also filled from corner to corner, then there is the sharpness of each subjects giving that they are in motion.

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Luis Quinones-Freezing Motion


I really like this photo because I like how both characters are simultaneously jumping giving it a reflective view. Also the lighting that that gives a high contrast to both characters. It feels like they are fusing each other. Another thing I like is that it is perfectly center and gives a relaxing mood.  Great Photo.

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LL6- Freezing Motion

Today’s assignment was to freeze motion. This image I found to be successful because the motion is completely frozen in mid-air. The subject is placed in the center which easily draws attention and even more specifically, the area with most color is smack in the center. Jay’s hands and eyes help the viewer to focus on the ball. It’s almost as if he himself (jay) has powers to pause time. This I loved because the decisive moment worked in terms of showing and freezing motion. IMG_4395

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