LL4 – Portrait Basics

From today’s portrait assignment, I favored this one most. The reason I say this is because her mood matches the lighting set up. The lighting was a rembrandt set up and the background was barely lit. the barely lit background emphasizes a lonely, dark, sad mood. To go along with that, her facial expression reads just that. She is facing at a 3/4 view and is looking away from the camera. There is no smile on her face and she just stares out as if she were thinking deeply or grieving in a sense. In all, this photo was very successful both technically and conceptually. 25289886661_7ae34e6502_o

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Odalys Punch-LL7

This picture I feel is the best representation of painting with light. To paint with light you have to slow down the shutter speed to a 1” or more. This allows the shutter to absorb as much light as possible and with movement creates a drawing for the picture. The reason why i feel this image is the best because we’re both facing the camera and the light makes interesting twists and patterns around our forms.

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Painting with Light



A flashlight and a strobe light was used to create this picture. Once the strobe light went off, the subjects were directed to move their flashlights around in order to create streams of light. What works in this picture is that the streams of light fill the frame and create a sense of energy. The subject’s expression matches that energy and her face is nicely lit up as well. In the case of this picture, multiple people went in front of the camera and moved their flashlights around in order to create multiple light streams.

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Painting with Light – Greg Young

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To paint with light, the surrounding area must be dark. A longer exposure is needed to capture the streaks of light from the moving light source. Because the photo is mostly black the light source stands out no matter what position its in. The subtle thin strokes of the light makes the light painting it look elegant. To capture a person with light painting a strobe is needed. Once the strobe light it is flashed, the light source can enter the photo area and paint streaks of light around the subject.

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Luis-Quinones Painting with Light


I really like this Photo because  I like how the the beam comes out of the hand showing how powerful it is. The lighting is very bright giving a scare look to the viewer and it is definitely a form of an art. Another thing I like about this photo is that it gives it a very strong background and is not overpowering. Great photo.

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LL7 – painting with light

The class assignment today was to “paint with light”. Painting with light is simply capturing an image of light in motion. In order to successfully paint with light, one must use a tripod, camera, and some sort of light source (flashlight, LED light etc..). The photographer must set their camera on a tripod because to capture the movement of light, the shutter speed must be slowed down anywhere from 2-8 seconds. Since humans and our subjects are bound to move, a tripod is ideal for this project. Also when using the light source, the movement of the light source must be fast not slow; if not the light source would appear very faded and dimmed in the final result. What made this image successful was the light and subject interacting with one another. The light source becomes closed on both ends due to my hands. Another factor that helped with this was the color of the light. Because of the green on my shirt, the green light works  harmoniously and creates a relationship with the subject and light.

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LL7: Painting with Light

This was my favorite photo that I chose today. As I observed this image, the lines are like markers but not sketching in paper. It’s like a bridge with a river flow from the orange and purple effects. It also creates the electrifying mood to get one as a motivation showing effect. Overall, what makes this photo successful, the image shows the mood from one’s mind thinking today would be a good day.



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Painting with Light


In order to paint with light and have enough time to capture the motion, you have to have a slow shutter speed, we used 8″. We used a ISO of 100, and set the focus to manual focus. Since we shot in the dark there was no focus, so the only option was manual focus. I choice this photo because it looks like he’s holding a shooting star from outer space. This photo is a good example, “Less is more.” The orange light shining on his hands, makes this picture more believable. Overall I think this picture is very interesting, and unique. And a good simple way of use light to create a narrative.

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LL7 Painting with Light Shanelle


The paint with light is creating and energy source out of her hand. You can’t see the object making the light which makes it more interesting. The strobe light lights up her top and on the top the duck is looking up at the light and she is looking at us. This was not planned but i notice it and its strange and funny. She is centered and there is depth. This is why i like this picture it expresses light from darkness.

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Prieto, A – LL7 Painting With Light


I chose this image as our most succesful because Marcus has a really silly and fun expression on his face, and the light that we painted on the background really reflects that. To paint with light, we had to first have a flash freeze one initial frame of the image, and then painted with a flashlight covered with a piece of acetate to color the light. We used pink to show romance or love and had Marcus pose with a fun expression. We also cropped this image much closer which made it look a little more intimate and close. By getting rid of all the black space around the subject we tightened the composition and made it a lot more compelling.

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