A great photograph is when the viewer is able to interpret the photo and tell a story. They say that pictures are worth a thousand words, so being able to put words or meaning behind a photo makes it great. Additionally, when the viewer is able to recognize the subject of the photo and can establish some explanation behind it. Photographers capture a specific moment, a great photographer will express the full capacity of that moment. This enables the viewer to feel the emotions of that moment captured and interpret the story that is being told.
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- HW-Exhibit Review
- HW1-photo description
- Learning Logs
- LL1-What makes a great photograph?
- LL2-Composition and Camera Angle
- LL3-Composition-Pattern, Angle and the Rule of Thirds
- LL4-Lighting Direction
- LL5-Portrait Lighting
- LL6-Portrait Lighting for mood
- LL7-Shutter Speed and Capturing Motion
- LL8-Painting with Light
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We will talk later in the semester about what is called “the decisive moment.” It is the moment that most clearly shows the meaning of an event. one second before or after would have a different meaning.