Aperture Foundation Gallery

During my recent trip our class was walking on the high line in West 23rd street in manhattan and I have visited the Aperture Foundation Gallery in West 27th street. The Aperture Foundation was a small museum and has photography that was taken in different type of methods. The Aperture Foundation is a type of exhibit that displays a fine-art photography. There are some wall colors in the gallery that are white and yellow. The walls and the lighting in the Aperture Foundation Gallery was very bright. The gallery was on the fourth floor of the building. There were like three to four pictures in each side of the walls. There was a reception desk, an educational area which had two chairs, a couple of books that relates to photography and restrooms. Alex Webb, a great photographer  was the photographer who shot all these photos in Mexico that is shown in the gallery. In these pictures, they show an emotions and they show things that we don’t really see in America now a days. These photos were taken at a different year as in different timing but different cities in Mexico. Aperture Foundation Gallery have been publishing their own type of magazines.

Alex Webb, who was born in San Francisco in 1952 has also published fifteen books. All the pictures that Alex Webb has taken, he started to take these pictures year after year starting in the 1970’s. Alex Webb uses different methods of photography to show viewers a message while he sees things as a traveler which is like capturing great moments in life especially around you. These photos shows people are having fun and well. Some photos show how people are not helpless well it’s basically showing how life is running for the people living in Mexico. The photos that Alex Webb has taken might look all different but some photos can have the same idea basically the same purpose for the photos.


My favorite photo from the Aperture Foundation Gallery is Comitan, Chipas, 2007 which shows a great picture of a dog being alone by himself in front of a back entrance of a store. This dog looks like as if he needs a dog owner like someone who would love him and play with him all day long. Two thing that I find very interesting in this picture are the colors of the store and the color of the light where the dog is standing under during night time. In my opinions, this picture looks somewhere between not dark, a little bright but not too bright. This picture was taken at a different angle instead of front of the person. The color of the lights are getting my attention very well when I am looking at the image Alex Webb took. I love this picture very much because of the way this picture was taken and I also like the composition of this picture. When I feel lonely like the dog, I feel like a special somebody in my life. I can understand that there are people who are always here to help me or anyone like this dog no matter what happens in life.

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One Response to Aperture Foundation Gallery

  1. rmichals says:

    The photograph you selected to focus on is a very interesting one. It does create a sense of loneliness. there is no one on the street and the dog looks like he is patiently waiting. Given the very vivid colors of the light tough this is surprising. I think what adds to this feeling is that the strong perspective leads our eye into the darkness where we see nothing.

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