Dinner on Cloud 9 – Matthew Pillsbury

jamar Matthew Pillsbury

Link to page: http://matthewpillsbury.com/photographs/dinner-on-cloud-9-revolving-restaurant-vancouver-2009/

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One Response to Dinner on Cloud 9 – Matthew Pillsbury

  1. rmichals says:

    You selected a very interesting photograph. Between the circular motion of the ceiling, the straight horizontal motion of the background outside the window and then the movement of the diners the entire photo is very dynamic.

    The people seated at the tables and the furniture itself is a good example of repetition. the curves lines they create do lead us to look at the far right of the photo. Is this the main subject? I am not sure. the question of figure to ground is a complicated on as well. I would say its more the difference between inside and outside the restaurant and no one set of diners is more important than any other.

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