A Note from Margo: “About Me”I have taught English composition classes at New York City College of Technology for 14 years, including the class you are currently taking. I’ve also taught and tutored entering freshmen students for over 16 years and am absolutely thrilled at the opportunity to work with many of you this upcoming semester.My approach is to make you aware of the various language conventions appropriate for college writing as well as more comfortable with the developing of ideas and the critical thinking, as well as editing process. I do not simply note and correct errors, but get you the student to open your eyes to the patterns in your own writing, so you can fix your own errors, as well as further develop your own ideas.As a beginning student, the whole experience of entering a new college can be both exciting and intimidating, so I make it a priority to assist you in that transition as much as possible. I am not only interested in getting to know you as writers, but as people with special talents, interests, and backgrounds that enable me to get to know you better as well. Building strong relationships with you and making you more comfortable with the idea that no one writes perfectly and that everyone has room for growth and improvement is a philosophy and pedagogy I follow strongly because building your self-confidence is the first step towards helping you grow as writers.Hopefully, throughout the semester, you, as well as myself, can enjoy our journey together towards helping you adapt to college-level writing, as well as the role you will play as students and as future contributors to our country’s work force.
If you are a SEEK student, SEEK has wonderful English Tutors!
- Text 718 260 5658 to get started.
- M-TH 10:30 -4:30
Fall 2021 ESOL Lab Schedule and Sign Up – Online
Tutoring Begins: September 20th | College Closed: October 11, November 25-28
Google classroom link : ESOL Tutoring Lab- Fall 2021: https://classroom.google.com/c/MzIwNTUyODMzNjEw or use code a4gvhjk to join the class
Intake form: Please fill out this intake form before students’ first tutoring session: https://forms.office.com/r/6y0ZhCHs42
Folder with all completed intake forms: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QC-_nqe3PNBvrVgC4z7g7W7yWKrKjMl6?usp=sharing
Our Super ESOL Tutors are:
Rachel Gertzog (RG): Wednesday 11:30am- 1:30pm
Meeting LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88399367365
— AND —
Olga Chajet (OC): Thursday 3:45-5:45pm
Join Zoom Meeting
4. Tutoring at Center for Student Accessibility
Students who registered and receive support from City Tech’s Center for Student Accessibility can email tutors and tech support experts directly and set up appointments to meet with them. Individual tutoring sessions with tutors and tech experts are available throughout the week M-F.
Remote Tutoring and Literacy support
Gretchen Johnson: GJohnson@citytech.cuny.edu
Assistive Technology and Tech support