RAB Source # 3– Dylan Ramirez

Severino, Iris [Us Traveler]. Personal Interview. Brooklyn, NY. 16 Nov 2021.

My mother, Iris Severino, has lived in NYC all her life and has always traveled around because she enjoys it. I asked her how she felt when we had traveled to Puerto Rico. This is what she said “I have traveled a couple times throughout my life but during this pandemic traveling has been different. I felt as if there was extra security stationed at the airport. The security clearance process was a bit awkward. At every check you had to pull down your mask so they could confirm that it was you and not someone else using your information. The experience on the plane was a bit nerve racking because you are sitting next to people in such a small area. Even though people had been checked for the virus I was still concerned about being affected. It was also hard because I am claustrophobic and had to keep my mask up. The whole process made me feel restricted. Even though the pandemic is still ongoing I will continue to travel because I feel like majority of the time you are protected and it was a bit faster with checking in.”


I understand where she comes from as it was a bit awkward even though I wish it wasn’t. I am feel sorry that she get claustrophobic and is still forced to wear her mask in a cramped space. I do think as more people get the vaccine and understand to respect peoples space that it will get easier to travel again.


I chose my mother to interview because it gives a more personal reaction to traveling and she has recently traveled this summer. This interview allowed more freedom on the topic that I have researched.


1 thought on “RAB Source # 3– Dylan Ramirez”

  1. Dylan

    1. Can you think of more aspects of international travel during this pandemic that you can talk /ask to your mom about to make your interview more interesting. Think harder! Dig deeper. Your interview needs to be more engaging and interesting. It needs to be more original and thoughtful and more insightful. Reading your interview paragraph doesn’t tell me anything that I wouldn’t be able to imagine any traveller saying. What I mean is I didn’t learn anything new from your interview.

    2. Don’t you think that in your Reflection and Analysis part — you sort of just copied what I did in my example? Can you think of your own true reaction to what you learned from interviewing your mom. You need to do more than just have the same points that I did in my Reflection and my Rhetorical Analysis.

    Suggestion: Review what you have learned from your research to come up with questions/talking points to have a more fruitful interview with your mom.

    You have to remember that you will take your research into UNIT THREE. And if you haven’t learned anything really interesting or anything really new than you won’t have much to build on for Unit Three.

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