RAB Source Entry #1 — Fanta

Source Entry #1

Part 1: MLA Citation 

Jason Deparle. “Disadvantaged Students more likely to be learning remotely, study finds”. The New York Times December 24,2020 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/24/us/remote-learning-student-income.html?searchResultPosition=1

Part 2: Summary

This article from New York Times is about students learning from online vs in person and how they  basically feel about it. In this article it gives many different reasons on how online schooling affects students. Many students have been interrupted with online learning which hasn’t been easy for them. Online learning isn’t really good because most people don’t listen in class or do other things they are not supposed to during class time. Also in the article it stated that remote learning can be less successful than in person learning. This article is about how online classes affected students in colombia. 

Part 3a: Reflection 

Do you agree or disagree with the information that the author presents? Why or why not? Be specific!

I agree with this article in the New York Times because that’s how I feel about online learning. I can’t concentrate while I’m doing work because I get distracted so fast and I get lazy. The article is basically telling me about how others feel about online learning. In my opinion online work isn’t really easy. 

Part 3b: rhetorical analysis 

The New York Times article was written to show us how online learning has affected students during the pandemic. Basically the author is informing us about how working online is difficult for many students around the world and how students feel about it . The audience is people who struggle with online work and how they feel about it. This is an effective genre because it catches your attention when you read it and gives you so much information on how online learning has been affected by covid.  

Part 4:

“Mya Janae agreed that “online is bad, because for me it’s hard to pay attention,” especially with her cat, Queen, nearby. “I’m not learning anything. I feel like if I keep learning like this, I’m gonna flunk.” paragraph 9

“Disadvantaged students are much more likely than others to be engaged in remote schooling during the coronavirus pandemic, increasing the risk that less effective instruction will widen the achievement gap, according to the first comprehensive analysis of attendance patterns”. Paragraph 1

“Remote learning is widely considered less successful than traditional classrooms, especially for younger children”. Paragraph 3

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