RAB Paragraph — Dylan Ramirez

My research question is: How has the CV pandemic impacted and changed  traveling requirements and rules for traveling out of the states. The reason I am interested in this topic is because I have traveled recently and have experienced these rule changes and it was different from when I have traveled previous years. I also have family in that currently live PA And NJ that are close to me but are hard to visit. My mother has talked about going on trips to other states so that we could explore and witness new things. What are the conditions a person had to meet in order to travel? Would people have to have the vaccine to travel through the states? How long do they have to quarantine after the vacation? These questions are of importance to know if one is suppose travel out of the states.



5 thoughts on “RAB Paragraph — Dylan Ramirez”

  1. I think this is a great topic, a lot of places I wanted to travel to were hotspots for people infected with Covid-19. Sadly I had to stay in my city even though we are not in lockdown anymore . People are traveling more now than before because tickets are cheaper but that’s only because it’s a high-risk if catching the virus. Even though you have your vaccine it still might not be safe to travel. I have heard that you can still get Covid-19 even if you have received the vaccine.

  2. This topic is really good because a lot of people have trouble traveling to meet family or traveling to have a family vacation. Me personally couldn’t go out of the state because I didn’t have a vaccination card or the vaccine.

  3. Good I think you have revised your paragraph.

    THis above source does NOT fit your research question:
    This source is about international travel and your topic is within America state to state…interstate travel. You need a better source.

    Also your second source is more from the perspective if the travel industry and your question is really more from the perspective of the TRAVELLER.

    YOu need better sources that address your topic.

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