Reading Response Obama- Emely

Malcolm X’s autobiography is different from any other writings I’ve read. I find him different because others believe in nonviolent ways on how to protect yourself when it comes to racial discrimination and White aggression, But not him he believes that we should protect ourselves “by any means necessary”. He talks about Blue Eyed devils which are the “white people”, the cause of the apocalypse meaning “War”. His beliefs came from islam a religious country who believes in Peace. Malcolm wants to be treated with respect, and not feel less of a human. He wants to prove people wrong and fight for equality.

“He spoke of a wish he once had, the wish that the white blood ran through him, there by an act of violence, might somehow be expunged.” This sentence reminds me of the cruelty and difficult times black people had in the past. Women being raped, segregation , discrimination, inequality, and many more. I am very grateful that this isn’t something as big as it was before. Yes, there’s still a lot of racism going around but all I can say is there also a lot of white people who believes in peace and equality.

Barack Obama is another writer, He also believes in peace and equality. One thing that he learned was having self respect was way more important than having hatred for white men and women.

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