Between two worlds – Marc

It had a time that i lived in two worlds one way at school and another way at home. In Haitian household you got three you can do, stay at home, go to church and School. When I was in high school in Haiti, I was the best soccer player of the team. That made me in the popular player. I became to miss some days of school. Everyday I pretended to go to school however i spent all my time at my house friend playing game and have a lot fun. I been doing that for like two weeks. Subsequently, the school decided to call my parents to know why I didn’t go to school for two weeks. But my parents didn’t aware of this situation because they did see me put uniforms on me every morning. So after they knew what I was doing , they came to my school and my parents were whooping me in front everyone. I was so ashamed because the students were talking about this story every time and they started laughing at me.

At home I was a completely different than my character in school. At home I was the child disciplined, the child who do the chores, making food, going to church every Sunday. I was the child who was singing to the choir. Every activities I was doing at home or church always boring and not too much fun to do. Sometimes I want to go out to do some kind of activity but my parents didn’t want to. Sometimes when I get boring at home i started to lose control of my temper. I wanted my freedom so I decided to have a meeting with my parents to talk about some kind of activities they can allow me. After listening to me, they hit me with that answer “If you want your freedom like you said,you should get your own house then

2 thoughts on “Between two worlds – Marc”

  1. Home-school-two world.
    I have a question I wanted to ask, Is the pressure that your parent put on you to make you act this way? and You are the one who stays awake just like me.

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