Reading Response to Malcolm X(Gary)

“I spent two days just riffling uncertainty through the dictionary’s pages. I’d never realized so many words existed! I didn’t know which words I needed to learn. Finally, just to start some kind of action, I began copying.In my slow, painstaking, ragged handwriting, I copied into my tablet everything printed on the first page, down to the punctuation marks.”(Paragraph-5)

    This quote is significant because it shows that just because you did not finish school it does not mean he cannot still obtain enough important knowledge so that he can be a great  leader.  Malcolm’s hunger for knowledge after seeing how Bimbi whom  he looked up to since he saw his leadership skills. He knew he had bad penmentioship and the books he got his hands on did not offer the quality of words he was looking for so he requested a dictionary.  Scrambling through the book he was very anxious and excited about all the new words that he had never seen before. When he got the dictionary he did not know where to start learning from. Despite having terrible handwriting and little knowledge of the words he did not know, he was determined to be like or be better than Bimbi. He wrote everything down starting from the beginning of the book and pushed himself and obtained better penmanship and new words with their actual meaning.

3 thoughts on “Reading Response to Malcolm X(Gary)”

  1. GOOD Explanation of the quote you choice. YOu did a good job of sticking to Malcolm’s words and explaining in your own language.

    Where is your picture of annotated page?

  2. I saw my shadow in this quote, I have to annotate every word that I don’t understand too, I felt like I can understand Malcolm a little bit, but I don’t study that intensively.

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