Online Learning — Amadou

Online learning has been something that everyone attending school had to adjust to. A number of people believe It benefit them but theirs also a number of people who believe It hurt them. How I view online learning though is something with a few more benefits than in person learning. Since I started online learning and gained more experience with It I learned that you have a lot more leeway than you would with in person learning. I found out quickly after starting online learning that I would have to be more responsible then I was before that. In school It was only the class and teacher but at home theirs my family and other things that could keep me distracted, such as chores and my morning routine.

During the first month of online learning I struggled the most. When I woke up It was usually 10 minutes before class, unlike when I used to wake up two hours before class during in person learning. This led to me dozing off a lot during class and even doing my morning routine, such as brushing my teeth and eating while Im in class. This and my family made It hard for me to focus during this time for sure, but as time went on I was able to adjust my time management to make the best of my situation. I am now able to enjoy online learning because I am able to learn and focus while I’m comfortable in my house. Just like in person learning I am still able to participate in zoom calls and take notes about what I learn without having to spend most of my morning traveling to School. I definitely like the aspect of managing my time more and is a big part to why I enjoy online learning.

1 thought on “Online Learning — Amadou”

  1. I find a lot of maturity, growth and change in your response. Thanks also for the honesty in your writing. I can imagine students do brush teeth and eat breakfast in class. Time management is such an important skiill to learn as we move on to college environment and the independence that comes with it. There is no one standing over us to get us back on track — no parents, no homeroom teachers, no counselors. And in this pandemic learning environment we still have to get up on time with our alarm clocks and get those teeth brush and cereal eaten in order to be ready with computer, pen, paper and our minds ready to be active as class starts even if it’s a zoom class. I do understand that many of us don’t have the privacy of our own bedroom to use as a zoom classroom space. We are learning that this online learning puts many at a disadvantage. But if it’s the best we have and for now it is all we have, so we must adapt. Wehave to find private quiet spaces or don head-phone ear-buds to focus and get to work. That includes teachers too! Believe me I have moved my computer so many times, even during class, if there is noise coming from someone in the small apartment that I live in. I just expect my students will be understanding and good-natured and I try to be the same. So it’s ok if there’s your mom walking in the background or brothers and sisters sharing a space. \

    I am glad to read that you have learned to enjoy online learning and discovered some advantages to this new environment. Finding the positive in what seems to be negative — this is always a good coping skill.

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