Intro-Ryan Johnson Paige

Hello everyone, my name is Ryan Johnson Paige. I’m a Brooklyn baby. I have 2 younger siblings and one on the way. They annoy me but i still love them. As far as I know I’m only African American. I haven’t really been that interested in finding out more about my heritage or ethnicity because I feel that my cultural background shouldn’t determine how a person treats me. Growing up, education was and still is a big deal in my household. It was preached to me since a young age that to be successful in life, you have to do good in school. I’ve always been a decent student, but I have my moments where i slack off. Im still working on it.

Growing up I played basketball and other sports, but as I got older I started to realize that sports aren’t for me. I started getting into arts and crafts like painting, sketching, sculpting and other things of the sort. I’ve always been able to take things apart and put them back together. I used to do that because I was always interested in understanding how things worked. I hope to have a great class experience with all of you.

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