Intro– Fanta

Hello my names Fanta. I’m a Capricorn my birthday is January 13. I was born and raised in the the Bronx. Im a little shy around new people but once we close I get litt, but I’m also really to myself I speak when spoken to. I have 4 other siblings that was also born and raised here although I’m the middle child. My parents are from guinea but my dad did most of his growing up in Sierra Leone where they speak creole which is broken English called creole and also French. In my house hold I’m the first to go to college since my two older siblings took a gap year so they can get their minds right. My goal in college is to become a fashion designer in the future design my own brand of clothes in the future.


But a little more about me during my free time I love to go shopping and enjoy time with my friends and family.I also really love sleeping lol nothing can stop me from sleeping. I always put my education first no matter what.


2 thoughts on “Intro– Fanta”

  1. Hi Fanta , I am so happy that we share a lot of things in common. I am also Capricorn my birthday my birthday is December 27. Your dad teach you how to speak creole ?. Its the first time i heard about that country Sierra Leone , how the creole sounds ?

  2. I love your name, pronounced FAHN-TAH. I hope we can all learn to say it correctly (and not cheapen it to a soft drink!) Nice to read about your family heritage. I had to review where is Guinea and Sierra Leone on the map — the west coast of Africa is where you hail from! A few semesters ago I assigned my students to read a book about a boy soldier in Sierra Leone: A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah. It might be an interesting read for you and your family. Fashion is an exciting field to get into. I would love to see your designs. Do you draw your designs?

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