Intro — Gary

Dear Professor Wu,

   Hello my name is Gary Maddox-Miller. I am coming to City Tech with the goal of becoming an Electrical Engineer. When I first graduated high school I did not want to attend college, I wanted to take a year off and have fun. At the time, I welcomed having a break from school, but I knew that I would have to find something to occupy my time and help me get some work experience.Eventually, I enrolled in a culinary arts program at a trade school. I attended that program for 14 months, before my path led me to getting more hands-on work experience. I have worked at a variety of places including Japanese restaurants, Tex-Mex locations, and for catering companies. As you can imagine my favorite part of working in this industry was getting a chance to sample many different foods and learning how to recreate them myself. The work was fun, but I wanted something more challenging, and given the current global pandemic, something more reliable. This is what has led me to City Tech to continue my formal education.

I come from a family where many of the men are engineers and carpenters. Over the years I have really enjoyed watching them work on projects and eventually supporting them in the completion of projects at home and at our church. I come from a very hard working family and they have supported me in my return to school. My goal is to become an Electrical Engineer, but I am also excited for all of the things that I will be learning in college. I know that these next few years may not be easy, but I am sure that they will be worth it. I am determined to work hard and take advantage of the opportunities given to me. I expect this English class to teach me more about critical reading and writing skills to help prepare for future courses I will take. It’s been a while since I’ve been in school I’m  kind of nervous to be back. Since it’s online now I don’t know what to expect but I’m sure it will be a valuable experience. I’m looking forward to the hands-on Electrical Engineer courses that teach me the tricks of the trade . The amount of knowledge and experience I will gain from those classes will have a big impact on my future when I graduate and start my career. 

4 thoughts on “Intro — Gary”

  1. It’s nice to see some really inspiring work ethic from a peer in the class. At some point in my life, I also wanted to work as an electrical engineer or a carpenter, since my dad had worked in both, but now i’m taking up computer engineering. i know that in the end, you’ll succeed due to your will and determination shown through your writing. It’s also inspiring to see another believer in the church in the class as well. As your classmate, i’ll be here to help when I can!

  2. we got the same experience after I took a semester in 2019 I spend one year working in my family’s hardware store selling painting oil, screws, pipes, hoses, tiles, different types of working tools, almost everything you can see in your daily life. I woke up at 5:30 AM take the F train to Flushing and work until 5 pm, from 2020 July till, 2021 July, 12 months, in this period of time I really work very hard, but I’m not happy. I come back to school because I’m trying to figure out what I’m really interested in doing. You got a goal, but I’m still looking for it, GL.

  3. A lovely introduction. You write clearly and well. What a journey from culinary arts to electrical engineering here at City Tech. I am glad to read that you are excited to be here, and I hope you will enjoy our classwork on writing skills and critical reading. No worries about being a returning student! Some of my best students over the years are just like you — people who are coming back to school to change careers. You will bring a wide experience of the world, maturity, and thirst for knowledge to the classroom, and this will serve you well at City Tech. Welcome!

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