Project Proposal- Mateo J

My research question is how did the Covid-19 pandemic affect white collared workers. The message I would want my audience to take away from this is that the pandemic opened new ways of working at offices and that people don’t need to be at an office desk 9-5 every day. This doesn’t only just apply to white collared workers but also to anyone who does most of their work on a computer like tutors, teachers, and accountants. So the audience I’m trying to reach is people who would want to go straight to working remotely or a hybrid schedule if they already are in person. I think the best way to present my project would be through a video interview or Op-ed. The video interview would be great to get personal points of view on different people in my life who were moved to working remotely. The video would contain questions relative to life after and before the pandemic work wise and how their daily life changed. The Op-ed would also be a consideration since I am heavily for working remotely and can express why I feel that it is a necessary option in today’s line of work . I would start by creating questions to ask my 2-3 interviewees but I am concerned that I won’t have enough interesting questions or material for the project.

2 thoughts on “Project Proposal- Mateo J”

  1. I like your proposal, I personally don’t really anyone who works a 9-5 and/or remotely so it would be interesting to see and understand their side of things. I also think that a video interview would be the perfect way to do it.

  2. Teo–

    I think this is a good proposal! This is a super interesting and current topic.

    Everyone’s way of working has been upended by this pandemic. We all work from home, or want to– we all have different working schedules now in the pandemic. We all have learned different working styles, different daily work routines, different ways to work together. Differetn ways we use the technology during the pandemic. Look at the new way I am working as a teacher! amazing — who would have thought I would teach on computer zoom? Never in a million years would I have thought I would be doing this? And yet here I am grading talking all in a zoom computer world????

    As for your doubts on doing an interview — Go back to your RAB work. Using the new knowedge you presented in your RAB, I came up with a good question. You could ask your interviewees: Do you think that you work better, are more effective, are producing good work when you work from home?

    THe key is to use your RAB Unit 2 to produce your Genre Unit 3 Project. Come up with questions by reading your own research. Get it?

    ALSO even tho your RAB is done, you can still get more background knowledge by reading eany of the articles on Work that I posted in the Secret Panel next to Assignment Unit Two page. Here is one I pulled out under the Topic Work for you:

    Working 9 to 2 and Again After Dinner (NYT)

    And there are lots more, just look and read to arm yourself with more knowledge.

    An op-ed is good too. Think persuasion, argument…How will you persuade your audience that these new ways of working are good for the people the workers themselves, the companies they work for, and society going foward? What points will you make to support this? Study the mentor texts in the Assignment to get ideas. You will need an outline like we made for the RBG op-ed.

    Looking foward to what you produce for the Unit 3.

    Prof. Wu

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