
Hello, my name is Gentian Dumani I am 18 years old and a freshman at CityTech. I am the youngest child in my family only having a brother slighty older than me. I was born in the United States. However, my parents come from a small country in Southeastern Eroupe which is known to be Albania. I have little to no relatives in the United States so every summer me and my family like to travel to my home country and visit my people on my mother and fathers side.

My hobbies consist of watching TV shows, going out with friends, playing video games, and playing sports. My favorite sport is basketball and I have been playing my entire life. I’ve never considered playing on a team because It simply did not interest me. I enjoyed playing with my friends and over time I got excesivelly better and better at the sport. I currently am trying to obtain a degree in Business and Accounting. Growing up I didn’t really have an answer on what I wanted to be when I got older I just pushed it to the side until in highschool. I chose this degree because it suited me best and I didn’t want to enroll into a degree I wasnt very fond of because it would be a lot harder on me and I hate when I get stressed out and overwhelmed. I hope I can learn more and become successful and I look foward to this semester. (P.S I dont know how to post a picture i have been trying but this format is kind of confusing sorry)

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