Intro — Devin

Hey to whoever’s reading this. My name is Devin Taylor and I’m 21 years old, one of 4 brothers unfortunately a twin. I’m mixed with pretty much most of the world, Japanese, Dutch, British, Black, Brazilian, Puerto Rican, French, and Italian. The annoying part about that besides being out of breath is the hair…some days its super curly and others it’ll straighten out and flow a little more, but I love it, nonetheless. I’m such an animal lover it’s almost illegal. I own 3 armadillo lizards, a turtle, and a couple dogs.

Hobbies, hobbies, hobbies…too many to be honest. I draw, watch anime, sculpt a little, play games, sports like lacrosse and wrestling, baking, big marvel and DC fan, and handy manny. My all-time favorite thing in this descending world that keeps me sane is music, not a day goes by where I don’t have headphones in. I am attending City Tech to get my Bachelor’s in applied computational physics. It’s going to be a long long road since the time I was in school was 2018 and my memory isn’t that good, however science has always been an interest and yet I don’t know what I wanna do so we’ll see.

A Dragon Ball character I came up with and my drone just because I guess

7 thoughts on “Intro — Devin”

  1. Nice to meet you too dude! Nice android, I’m not super caught up with dragon ball lol but you’re really good at drawing. I’m not gonna I didn’t fully read that we had to include a picture, so you would’ve seen my puppies and my turtle too. It’s nice to know someone else in NYC has a turtle because it seems like it’s uncommon or something 0_0 I would show off my drawing, but I don’t really like any of my drawings. ANYWAY, sorry You seem super chill good luck with your major i dont really know much about it. Dude where did you even find a lacrosse team do you not live in NYC or something ?

    1. Haha thanks man and yeah you might wanna try and add that unless I misread, and it really is uncommon. I bet yours is a red ear slider, right? In regard to your drawing, you’ll learn to, just gotta practice and appreciate the growth. A friend of mine helped get it started at my high school in downtown Manhattan. For those of you that don’t know what lacrosse is, think of if soccer and baseball had a baby and cheated with football.

      1. Yeah, I’m trying to put all of them in one picture lol, I’ll probably post it tomorrow. Yeah, I took him from an old friend that wasn’t taking care of him and ended up getting in trouble, but my parents love him now. I totally get that i have a bunch of unfinished sketchbooks and I’m definitely happy that I got better, I just think I can be better you know. I’ve always wanted to play lacrosse but anywhere I went for school never had it. I went to high school in lower Manhattan by Essex.

        1. Nice Bro I went to school around Delancey and Essex as well. I recently just got into Anime but I have been watching a whole bunch over the past month and gotta say Demon slayer is my favorite at the moment especially the fight that has been happening over the past 3 episodes. I would like any recommendations since I am down to give anything a try.

          1. Niceee, Demon slayer is really good. Are you caught up with it right now? I’ve seen a hand full; would you want any particular genre? I really liked Akame ga Kill, Mob Psycho 100, Erased, Samurai Champloo.. i could go on for a minute lol, let me know i’ll swing some more suggestions. That’s pretty crazy, I went to Lower Manhattan Arts Academy, (LoMa for short)

  2. Your drawing is really good bro. I thought it was Broly for a second until I saw the clothing. Clothing looks like something a G.O.D would wear. And it’s pretty cool to be multiracial. Never came across a person that is mixed with that many. And good luck and hope you do well in ur major.

  3. Devin: Great visual element to showcase your drawing talent. Dragon Ball Z — yes I know that anime from my own sons.

    NIce to see that your intro sparked intersting dialogue. GOod work at sharing your intnerests and meeting classmembers!

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