RBG Op-Ed Analysis – Devin Taylor

Main Idea-

The main idea for “Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Advice for Living” by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is her talking about her life experiences and how she got to be the world renowned supreme court justice before she passed.

Who is the author?

The author Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the first female Jewish Supreme court justice in 1993. She is the first person ever to be top of her class in both Colombia and Harvard law school.

Who’s their audience?

Ruth’s audience seems to be young woman that are starting out in life.Those that are still figuring out what they want to do for themselves.

What is the purpose?

The purpose is to show young children that you can overcome any obstacles if you want something enough.Having supportive people in your corner can also make a huge impact on your dreams/aspirations.

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