RAB Source entry #2 – Gentian Dumani (UPDATED)

Editors, The. “Extend the School Year to Counter Learning Loss.” Bloomberg.com, Bloomberg, 16 Feb. 2022, https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-02-16/to-counter-covid-learning-loss-schools-should-rethink-summer-vacation

Main Idea: School-districts should extend the school year to overcome learning loss.

First Supporting detail: In 2021 about 13% of public school students in America have attended summer school. With a large number of students performing under grade level school districts should aim to double that number.

Second Supporting detail: In 2021 on average students were five months behind in math and just about as deficient in reading. A report made by the McKinsey company stated that the diminishing earning potential of these students can cause the United States economy about 188 billion dollars annually.

Third Supporting detail: Students need more concentrated learning time. Adding more days into the academic learning year can help prevent the effects of summer learning loss. Students can forget as much as 25% of what they learned in the previous year.

Part 2 Summary:

In “Extend the School Year to Counter Learning Loss” by The Editors they report that America’s youth has been facing learning deficits that could potentially take years to tackle. The Editors go on to say that only 12% of public school students in grades ranging from K-12 attend summer school even though many students have been performing under grade level in 2021. A study conducted by the McKinsey company has stated that students were roughly four to five months behind in math and reading and that the diminishing earning potential of these students can cause the economy up to 188 billion dollars each year. In addition, they mention how students need more concentrated learning time. With the incorporation of more school days it can help prevent the effects of summer learning loss. Students can forget as much as 25% of what they learned in the previous year.

Part 3a Reflection:

This article makes me realize that students who attend public schools in America are being heavily impacted by learning loss. Students on average are four to five months behind in reading and math. It’s insane. Public school districts need to act upon this and they need to start extending the school year. Losing out on something essential like education can take away future opportunities. I agree with the fact that we need to extend the school year in order to prevent any further learning deficits especially in the summer where students can forget up to 25% of what they learned. When adding that to the school time students have already lost during the school year it makes it seem as if the 25% is nothing. I also agree when The Editors begin to say “For children in greatest need, districts should require full-time summer school that blends academics with recreational activities aimed at bolstering social and emotional health. Schools should provide bonuses to teachers and staff to work through the summer, as districts in South Carolina, Virginia, Texas and other places did last year.” This something almost every school district should have available to students. I feel like students should take advantage of this offer. I myself have participated in many summer activities provided by my previous schools. It helped me take on any conflicts I had during the school year and kept most of the things I have learned fresh inside of my head. 

Part 3b: Rhetorical analysis

The genre of this source is an opinion piece. The purpose of this article is to inform school districts to elongate the school year. The writing style is factual and the tone of this is persuasive. The Editors are a group of people who are a part of the Bloomberg opinion editorial board and write many articles that are published on the Bloomberg website. The Editors consist of many writers who have written previously written articles that have been published on NYT. This source is credible because it has been written by a very popular group of writers that have won multiple awards.

Part 4 Notable quotes:

“Keeping schools open will require more funding to maintain facilities, provide meals and pay support staff. The good news is that states have spent only a small portion of the $122 billion in federal funding provided by last year’s Covid-relief bill.” (The Editors)

“investing in added instruction now will yield savings over time, by making it easier for districts to offer summer programs in the future, reducing students’ need for remedial classes, and lowering their risks of dropping out.” (The Editors)

“it’s essential to simply get kids back on track. The pandemic has caused deep and potentially lasting damage not just to student achievement but to the public-school system itself. Extending the school year and ensuring that all students get the instruction they need are the first steps toward repairing it.”(The Editors)

2 thoughts on “RAB Source entry #2 – Gentian Dumani (UPDATED)”

  1. Summary: Unclear Pronoun Reference error — Who is “they”? otherwise good Summary.

    You are supposed to use NYT. In Rhetorical Genre Analysis, can you give SPECIFIC facts to prove Bloomberg news is credible source, and credible for education topics???? HOw do you know Bloomberg is reliable; you can’t just say so. If you prove the reliability / credibility, then this source is ok.

    WHere is Part 4 NOtable Qyotables?????

    1. When i refer to “they” in the summary it’s not an error there isnt a specific author for this piece its made by a group called “The Editors” that write many articles on bloomberg. You can’t refer to a group of people as one person plus they didnt specify who in the group specifically wrote this article so therefore I used “they”.

      and I will fix the rhetorical genre analysis thank you for your feedback.

      Edit: I also forgot about the notable quotes I will do that sorry.

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