RAB Source Entry #2 – Leslie Martinez (Updated)

MLA Citation:

Carey, Benedict. “For Some Teens, It’s Been a Year of Anxiety and Trips to the E.R.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 23 Feb. 2021, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/23/health/coronavirus-mental-health-teens.html. 


In “For Some Teens, It’s Been a Year of Anxeity and Trips to the E.R.”, Ann a mother of three from Asheville N.C., talks about the changes from her sociable 13 year old son. He had devloped habits like using marijuana as well as Xanax. Pointing back to the main points ive been discussing about my topic. I’ve mentioned the increase of Teenagers use of drugs and alochol throughout the pandmeic. This is evidence as to not all teenagers were going through good times during isolation. Many suffered experices and made actions pressured by COVID-19. Over time Ann’s son had been gathering an intense amount of anger in which he consciosly hurt himself. These are the actions of a teenager crying out for help. That help unfortunately wasn’t even provided for him with his visit to the hospital. The care for young adults health wasn’t shown at all, nor was it provided enough. Unfortnately, there are so much more situations like these in which many teenagers weren’t provided care. An associate professor of predatrics at Baylor College of Medicine delinates, a child who already had issues with anxeity before the pandemic, has been devolping an increase in anxeity after/during COVID-19.


As I read “For Some Teens ,It’s Been a Year of Anxeity and Trips to the E.R.”, I started to view the parents perspective. Seeing their kids begin habits like drugs or alchol can be a frightening situation. Not all teens communicate to their parents about what goes on in their mind. Not many parents comphrend what we teens go through as well. All I could think was, what was going through my moms head. I shut everyone away and all I wanted to do was stay in my room and sink my body in bed. I hardly ate and I could tell my mom began to worry for my health. As we might not see it from our point of view its important to step into your parents point of view. In the article, Ann the mother of the 13 year old was so concerned for her son. But her son didn’t know how anxious she was. He never communicated with her about his situation. That’s exactly how most parents felt.

I, myself, have gone through so many hardships during the pandemic. Feelings alone, not being able to socialize, consistently feeling trapped, all of these situations made me drown in my room. Every single day that went by it became. harder and harder. I had to accept that I wouldn’t be able to interact with my friends, any time soon. “Isolation” was the pinpoint of every young adult’s problem. Including the beginning of my problems at the start of COVID-19.

Rhetorical/ Genre Analysis:

The article “For Some Teens ,It’s Been a Year of Anxeity and Trips to the E.R.”, was written to the audience of those who read the New York Times. More Specifically to those parents who can relate to Lisa and concerns towards her son. Those with intrest of the hospitals not putting teenagers who has hurt themselves as top prority or at least proivde help. The entire pandemic has become a system overload. It has become a complete failure to assist teenagers with help.

Notable Quotables:

“Families that land in the emergency departments of their local hospitals often find that the clinics are poorly equipped to handle these incoming cases. The staff is better trained to manage physical trauma than the mental variety, and patients are often sent right back home, without proper evaluation or support. In severe cases, they may linger in the emergency department for days before a bed can be found elsewhere.”

“The social isolation since then, over all this time, it just got to him,” said Ann, a consultant living in suburban San Francisco. She, like the other parents in this article, asked that her last name be omitted for privacy and to protect her child. “This is a charming, funny kid, also sensitive and anxious,” she said. “He couldn’t find a job; he couldn’t really go out. And he started using marijuana again, and Xanax.”

“We called 911, and he was taken to the emergency room,” his mother said. “But there they just stitched him up and released him.” The doctors sent him home, she said, “with no support, no therapy, nothing.”

4 thoughts on “RAB Source Entry #2 – Leslie Martinez (Updated)”

  1. Your topic is a really important one because so many people, specifically young adults, were affected during quarantine. Although I can’t relate to that, I know someone who really struggled during that time period and it was difficult seeing her go through that and not being able to do anything about it.

  2. Leslie: You are supposed to find a NYT article. I have announced this many times. Please find one ASAP. Did you look in the secret panel. I don’t know anything about this source WebMD and you don’t do any writing on the credibility of this source. You don’t analyze the genre either!!! SWITCH THIS TO A NYT SOURCE FOR SOURCE 2. And is this an Op Ed. IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE OP ED!

  3. Wow Leslie — I see you are working hard on this.

    I think you should keep both your Source 1 and Source 2. YOu have done a lot of work! That’s good. I can see your effort! However….

    One big problem however is that you need an Opinion Editorial piece and you don’t have that in either Source 1 or Source 2. This article by Benedict Carey is a very good article, but it’s not an OpEd piece, it’s another news article. So I suggest keeping both these news articles that you used for Source 1 and Source 2. They are good. However you should add as another source (so you will have 4 sources all together — that’s fine, the more you know, the better!) — you should add an Opinion Editorial.

    By the way, Benedict Carey is a science reporter for NYT and a health prfessional himself. Maybe he is a psychologist PhD….You should look that up and get that into a sentence in the Rhetorical genre aanalysis paragraph for this source entry. He’s very credible author.

    Can you review what is the difference between Op-Ed piece and News Article? SO important to know these are two different genres. Remember you need to use different genres for this RAB project. The assignment says one News Article, one Op-Ed, one audio / visual / creative source.

    If you do a google search like I did using search words: NYT and Pandemic and Mental Health of Teens and Op-Ed

    You will find these two op-ed pieces:

    I also found this in Los Angeles Times and that’s a fine newspaper, just find facts to show credibility and put a sentence stating these facts into the Rhetorical Genre Analysis paragraph. (if you decide to use this article)
    This LAtimes Op-Ed is clearly from the viewpoint of a doctor and it’s a personal perspective. It’s a very interesting read. At least read it…Remember the more you know the better.

    Hope that helps!
    Prof. Wu

  4. I also found this in LA Times but I couldn’t unlock it bc I don’t have a subscription. But it sounds like a very interesting op-ed piece.


    Op-Ed: My daughter fell off the mental health care cliff, and I have to jump after her

    June 7, 2021

    I believe every newspaper lets you read a few articles for free and then the subscription ad will pop up and stop your readign more. I should write an editorial arguing for FREE newspaper subscriptions from all newspapers for College Students!

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