RAB Source Entry-2 David Antwi

Part 1: MLA Citation

Reynolds, Gretchen. “How the Pandemic Is Changing Our Exercise Habits.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 7 Oct. 2020, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/07/well/move/pandemic-exercise-habits-study.html. 

Main Idea: How has the corona virus pandemic affected the way people exercise and stay fit?

Supporting Detail: Effects the pandemic has had on the transformation of whether when and where and how we exercise. Lots of people have adapted and touched into different aspects of exercising such as calisthenics. It is basically the act of training and relying on only your body weight. No equipments needed.

Supporting Detail: Researching and being more knowledgable about the whole world of exercising. Since the pandemic, the google search word “exercise” incredibly spiked up through the roof. With lots of time on everyones hands, all you can really do is educate your self about something that could naturally benefit your life long term. Due to these researches lots of people have followed what they learned and are exercising more.

Supporting Detail: The importance of apps to the older generation. No matter how the pandemic rises once it slowly eased, they went right back to their daily walking routines and tracking apps. The older people went back to their daily workout routines once the pandemic eased, whiles the younger generation changed in when and where they worked out, their routines and how the amount spent to workout.

Part 2: Summary

In the article written by Gretchen Reynolds, he elaborates on effects the pandemic has had on the transformation of whether when and where and how we exercise. Lots of people have adapted and touched into different aspects of exercising such as calisthenics. It is basically the act of training and relying on only your body weight. No equipments needed. He also talked about the importance of apps to the older generation. No matter how the pandemic rises once it slowly eased, they went right back to their daily walking routines and tracking apps. The older people went back to their daily workout routines once the pandemic eased, whiles the younger generation changed in when and where they worked out, their routines and how the amount spent to workout.Last but not the least an important contribution elaborated in this article was how people were researching and being more knowledgable about the whole world of exercising. Since the pandemic, the google search word “exercise” incredibly spiked up through the roof. With lots of time on everyones hands, all you can really do is educate your self about something that could naturally benefit your life long term. Due to these researches lots of people have followed what they learned and are exercising more.

PART 3: Reflections

How the Pandemic is Changing Our exercise habits by Gretchen Reynolds, is one that elaborates on our exercise habits, about how it has changed post pandemic and things the whole wide world has adapted to since then. Pre Covid, we all had it easy. Go to the gym, follow your gym routine, follow your diet program but once Covid erupted all of it stopped. Everyone had a lot of time on their hands and researching became a big deal. Reading Gretchen Reynolds article, you learn the fact that the word exercise on google search became exceedingly searched. You can tell that everyone was panicking about the fact that they couldn’t get any physical activity in, so everyone was trying to find different means to stay in shape or even get back in shape. With lots of studying people were able to have a better understanding and once everything opened up, they incorporated that into their daily routines. People also changed ways they worked out. They learn’t how certain workouts benefited them better than others and the time duration of workouts they needed. Better nutrition and everything that comes with it. This is all the education that was done by a lot of people to better their lives. Even though all this is progress, it wasn’t a smooth transition for the younger generation post Covid. Based of statistics the older generation were able to smoothly go back to their daily routines post Covid. Being old there is not much to do, so the important of their walking apps is very high and their stepped heavily increased post Covid. What is being said in Gretchen Reynolds article in the New York Times to me is accurate and his opinions has strong evidence behind it making this article one good one to read.


Ducharme, Jamie. “Covid-19 Is Changing the Way Americans Exercise.” Time, Time, 12 May 2020, https://time.com/5831678/covid-19-americans-exercise/. 

How to Regain Strength after Covid-19 – US News Health. https://health.usnews.com/health-care/patient-advice/articles/how-to-regain-strength-after-covid-19. 

2 thoughts on “RAB Source Entry-2 David Antwi”

  1. It’s interesting to read about this because I was one of those people who started working out when quarantine first started. Although the way I exercise hasn’t changed, I know people who stopped working out at home and started going back to gyms.

  2. You write Main Idea: How has the corona virus pandemic affected the way people exercise and stay fit? THE MAIN IDEA SHOULD BE A STATEMENT NOT A QUESTION — you have read the article, you should be able to state the MI in a sentence. You should not be asking a question!

    Summary — You need a better summary. You have missed important points. Need author signal phrases to introduce the MI and SDetails. PROOFREAD. You have repeated phrases. The author is a she, not he.

    Reflection Part 3A — You need to do this again. This is not correct! Study the assignment to understand how to write this part.

    Rhetorical Analysis 3B — WHERE IS THIS PART????

    In addition. SOurce 2 must be an Op-ed. THIS IS A News Article what you should have as Source 1.

    David- Are you paying attention in class? Are you reading Announcements? Are you study ing the Assignment Unit TWO?????

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