RAB Proposal Paragraph – Savannah Lynah

My research Question is: How has the CV pandemic impacted and changed Environmental Factors?THis topic is important to me because I am of high risk in catching the virus being that I have respiratory issues. Being in Public is a risk at all times with people and not knowing who may have the virus or not. It is good that because of the pandemic we have started to learn the importance of cleanliness and immunity defense. I already know that the are negatives even with the many positives we see like reduced Pollution(Noise included), Lower Carbon Footprint, and better Air Quality. Due to the Pandemic, the Earth has had time to improve on making a clean and better environment for us. The negatives are mostly waste that comes from Hospitals. The disposal of PPE, Hazariuos medical waste also the increase of Municipal waste and recycling activity. Some points that I plan to explore and find more about are if the pandemic would relate negatively to climate change, Full/Partial remote work= promoting a healthy and green way of life in society, Environment-friendly transportation, and Sustainable Industrialization (clean fuels, technology, and positive energy sources).

Coronavirus and Climate Change – C-CHANGE | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Environmental effects of COVID-19 pandemic and potential strategies of sustainability – PMC (nih.gov)

5 thoughts on “RAB Proposal Paragraph – Savannah Lynah”

  1. I like the research question you picked because I also would want to make sure me and my family take every precaution to stay safe and keep the world healthy

  2. I agree, hospital disposal of their waste has increased significantly and harming our evironment. Climate change is a global issue, it can impact not only on human beings but all other form of life. This is a great research topic.

  3. Need to refine this qeustion: It’s not specific enough. What particular aspect of the environment? Air quality? THen say so and reformulate your question.

  4. I’m glad to see someone is gonna be writing about this. During the quarantine I remember how much cleaner the air felt because everyone was indoors. It was a great feeling of slight relief. The only problem is I knew it was temporary.

  5. Again you need to refine and focus this question.

    Where are your NYT articles as possible sources?

    Remember your proposal is supposed to have a personal angle. LOOK AT THE RAB PROPOSAL PARAGRAPH TEMPLATE. Follow the template.

    You write: I have respiratory issues…OK that’s good — now explain what those issues are exactly and HOW this makes you personally interested in Air Quality.

    Much of your proposal paragraph sounds like you are including facts you have already researched. You write: I already know that the are negatives even with the many positives we see like reduced Pollution(Noise included), Lower Carbon Footprint, and better Air Quality. Due to the Pandemic, the Earth has had time to improve on making a clean and better environment for us. The negatives are mostly waste that comes from Hospitals. The disposal of PPE, Hazariuos medical waste also the increase of Municipal waste and recycling activity.

    This sounds like you are copying. HOw do you know this?

    Remember that in the proposal you have not yet done the research, so your paragraph should be more explaining your personal interest and personal connection to this topic. Please re do this proposal paragraph. YOu can look at my example to see what I wrote for MY RAB PROPOSAL PARAGRAPH BY STUDENT LISA.

    Your proposal also fans out into a lot of different topics. You cannot cover so much material. It’s much too much. You write: “Some points that I plan to explore and find more about are if the pandemic would relate negatively to climate change, Full/Partial remote work= promoting a healthy and green way of life in society, Environment-friendly transportation, and Sustainable Industrialization (clean fuels, technology, and positive energy”


    s this your targeted RQ. How has the pandemic affected air quality? That would be focused, as we discussed with Prof Berger in the library class.

    YOu must refine your RQ and find a NYT news article.

    I don’t have a section on environment in teh Secret Pane. But you can searchusing GOOGLE. HAve you done this. NYT articles are best. The sources you found sound academic and you should be ready for a big challenge if you use these types of academic journal articles. I woudl find them hard to understnad.

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