RAB Proposal Paragraph- Oishe

My research question is: How has the CV pandemic impacted and changed businesses and its employees? This topic interests me because it is evident that consumer and production series have had some sort of conflict of decline ever since the pandemic. As someone who shops and buy things often, I am interested to see how businesses have been coping in order to make money. Item prices have risen as well so I would like to find the cause of it.  I already know that businesses struggle to find a good amount of customers to buy products because of shortage of employees. Employees of businesses aren’t earning enough money because businesses aren’t having enough sales and revenue to compensate them. Finally, I am aware of how local businesses are at the brink of closing due to no source of income. Some points that I plan to explore and find out more about are the reasons of inflation in products, how employees are working and being compensated working short-staffed during the pandemic and what businesses have been doing different and similar before and during the pandemic.


4 thoughts on “RAB Proposal Paragraph- Oishe”

  1. I like that you are talking about this because I work in a supermarket and since the pandemic has started the prices are raised just about every two to three months and they don’t increase the payment of the worker even though they are making the products in the store extremely over priced

  2. I also picked how the CV effected the world economically and how yesterday’s prices are not todays prices and not every one can survive these harsh times on their own

  3. I agree with you, prices for anything have increased ever since the pandemic and how desperate employers are for workers now and it’s still hard for people to find jobs.

  4. Your RQ is too broad.

    You write: How has the CV pandemic impacted and changed businesses and its employees?

    Which businesses?

    Your proposal paragraph is all over the place. YOu are writing about a LOT OF DIFFERENT topics.

    Have you looked at the SECRET PANEL to the left of the Unit TWo assignment. YOu might get some good ideas if you look under WORK. I have gathered a lot of articles from past semesters to help students get started.

    Read and get soem ideas so you can refine your RQ. If you don’t have a focused RQ you cannot go on to HW 2 which is the entire source entry for one new article. Have you been paying good attention in class???

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