Writing Task Resilience – Gentian Dumani

During the pandemic the challenge that provided me with a great struggle was online learning. When Covid-19 first started to break out people went into a panic. Which was the first mistake they made my school abruptly shut down everything and started to transition to online. Mind you my highschool has 4,000 students and this was new for both teachers and students. In the beginning it was very hectic with Covid cases rising and people constantly getting sick assignments were not getting in and very few people showed up in zoom classes it was just a big mess. Then my teachers just started to pile up homework on me I had to do around 7-8 assignments daily and it really started to take a toll on my grades. I was so frustarted and stressed out I couldnt even reach out to the teachers because we didn’t have their emails or any other way to contact them. I felt like i was in a room with no windows and no doors slowly rotting away as time flew by.

A coping strategy I developed during the pandemic to increase my resilience was time management. I realized I wasn’t gonna get anything accomplished without changing my work schedule. I would always do most of my work during the night but I had to get rid of that habit because I am very inconsient and lazy during the day. I set up multiple alarms and reminders through out the day dividing the amount of work I had in multiple sections with small breaks in between. I wasn’t very used to it at first but as time went by I felt less overwhelmed and I started to get aquainted with online learning. I learned that being unproductive gets you no where if you want to really change you have to commit even if its one step at a time. I also would like to thank my family members they were a huge help during this whole new learning experience and I can’t thank them enough for what they do for me.

3 thoughts on “Writing Task Resilience – Gentian Dumani”

  1. I understand how you felt when the teachers started piling a bunch of assignments on you and ruining your grade. It was a tough time on both sides.

  2. I understand where your coming from in how the teacher was giving a lot of work and how there was nothing you could do but do the work. I had a similar experience to yours it can be overwhelming, but you should never give up and keep doing what you are doing.

  3. Excellent! Good details and description and good focus on ONE hardship and ONE coping strategy. Excellent coping strategy.

    Loved your description: I felt like i was in a room with no windows and no doors slowly rotting away as time flew by.

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