Writing Task Resilience – Devin Taylor

Part 1

In all honestly, the pandemic didn’t really hit me that hard. I was fortunate enough to live comfortably and healthily as well as my family. The only real issue i had to deal with was being cooped up inside and having to watch the world just Kinda lose itself with everything going on with the virus, BLM movement, and politics. I’m an active guy that likes running around and doing stuff and with the quarantine, the feeling of restriction started developing quickly which frustrated me. I’m a foodie already but when you have nothing else to do food gets a bit more interesting, and irresistible. Gained myself a solid 30 pounds and not fully in muscle unfortunately which sucks cause who doesn’t want to look fit. Being stuck in a house for months made my already large appetite grow, got a bit lazy, and started losing my agility.

Part 2

I guess I haven’t really come up with a coping strategy. Still in the habit of constantly staying in which I’m trying to break. I go out for the weekend every Thursday to stay with my partner and just enjoy the time. That’s not really a fix to the problem though, still stay home most of the week drawing or designing clothes and the cold weather definitely doesn’t help.

2 thoughts on “Writing Task Resilience – Devin Taylor”

  1. I too felt restricted when the pandemic started to settle in. And I also feel the world is starting to fall apart from all the craziness that’s going on. I guess I just became used to it eventually and focused more on making sure that I and my family were okay.

  2. Devin: IN paragraph ONE — is the ONE thing that was hard for you in the pandemic being in isololation? If yes then your Paragraph Two could focus on Food as your coping strategy. YOu seem to suggest that was one way to deal with being “cooped up.” Read the instructions and make sure you focus Paragraph One on ONE thing that was hard and Paragraph Two on ONE coping strategy for that hardship.

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