Reading Response FDouglass — Amy Ramnarine

PART 1– question chosen (  After the young Douglass loses his mistress as his teacher, what strategies does he practice to continue learning to read?  Who does he turn to for help?  How does he persuade them to help him?)

Young Douglass had a mistress as a teacher. she didn’t treat him as property but as a human which was frowned upon and dangerous. Later becoming a slaveholder discovering that slavery proved its valve to her and provided heavenly qualities. she then changed her mannerism towards Douglass entirely. Her kind and tender heart turned to stone refusing to teach Douglass. So he had made friends with poor white boys from the streets and exchanged his bread from home to the white boys for knowledge. And finally learned how to read.


Stated in paragraph 1 on page 3 lines 12-14 “Freedom now appeared, to disappear no more forever. It was heard in every sound, and seen in every thing. It was ever present to torment me with a sense of my wretched condition.” Shortly after Douglass learned how to read he would further learn more about slavery and it had given him a sense of opinion on the subject. He consistently be in a everlasting thinking about his living condition and would suffer knowing there would be no way out. This is significant because the knowledge of the position he was in presented him the knowledge of slavery and helped him read the news about slavery and how it effected him and his fellow slaves and would present him with opportunities in how he could get out and be free.

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