My Introduction: Maimoona

My name is Maimoona Azhar. The meaning of my name is safe and trustworthy. I am 18 years old and this is my second semester at city tech. I took both semesters online. I have four siblings. Two of them are older and two of them are younger. The elder two also go to college. My family is originally from Pakistan, it is located in South Asia. My parents,siblings and myself were born in Pakistan. I can speak the native language of Pakistan which is Urdu but I can barely read and write. We came here when I was 10 years old with my mom because my dad was already in the states. The first few years in school were hard because of the language. I knew a little English but was not fluent in it.

I started liking school when I went to high school. I knew English a lot better then before and I made a lot friends and enjoyed. My hobbies are drawing, baking and scrap booking. My goal is to be in medical field and become something in that field.

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