Practice Reflection and Rhetorical Analysis and Quotes- Anthony Clara

Part 3: Reflection

I agree with the information the author “Wendy Berlin” presents, because she’s not only giving you her opinion on why “Schools Are Killing Curiosity” but she’s also stating facts and giving you evidence from other authors. What …

Practice Reflection, Rhetorical, Analysis, and Quotes- Angel

In the article “’Schools Are Killing Curiosity” by Wendy Berliner, she explains negative affects school has on kids imagination. For example, she gives three main points which are children are born curious, curious children performed best and children curiosity becomes …

Practice Reflection and Rhetorical Analysis and Quotes – Balthazar

Part 3 Reflection 

In the article by Wendy Berliner what I found remarkably interesting was the research she used to back her argument. Without having known that there was detailed research being done which looked at the connection between curiosity …

Practice Reflection and Rhetorical Analysis and Quotes — Your Name

Part 3 Reflection

Put your one paragraph reflection on “Schools Kill Curiosity” here.


Part 4 Rhetorical Analysis

Put your one paragraph rhetorical analysis on “Schools” here


Part 5 Notable Quotables

Select at least 3 significant quotes from the …

Summary Practice-Wendbenedo

Part 1: MLA Citation

Berliner,Wendy “Schools Are Killing Curiosity” 28 january 2020

Part 2: Summary 

The article “Schools Are Killing Curiosity”By Wendy Berliner, discusses about how the education system can suppress children’s natural curiosity by emphasizing the need to …