Notes from today, and reading and blogging assignments for Tuesday, April 23

Today in class we focused on writing an academic research paper, and in particular how to incorporate sources into your research paper drafts, using some of the templates from They Say/I Say (see slides from today). On Tuesday we will discuss the rationale for documentation and citation. Please read Hauptmann, pp. 7-13, distributed in class (if you did not get a copy, get the book on reserve: PN171 .F56 H38 2008) and Howard, “Hot Type: A Modern Scholar’s Lament.”

Your blogging assignment is one reading response blog post.

Don’t forget – the research paper is due on Thursday, April 25 by the beginning of class. Please get in touch with any questions!

~Prof. Leonard

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Research journal

I have learned that certain databases would apply to my topic, not all of them. I know LexisNexis and JSTOR have periodicals relevant to my topic. Truncation is a chance at finding advanced search engine results. There has to be a distinction between typing in a keyword and a subject on an article database. I practice what I know to get the sources I need for my paper. These techniques will narrow down my search online, specifically to the topic at hand. Prior to this course, I usually did research papers using books and the Internet, of course, and was unfamiliar with advanced searching techniques and databases.

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Research Journal 4

In class last week I learned how to use the library databases provided by city tech. These databases are very helpful because they have articles that aren’t readily available through google or other commonly know search engines. I also learned that you can narrow your search by keywords given by the database derived from your original search results. I may actually use these search techniques in the near future for my analytical chemistry class. Soon we will begin a project with the gowanus canal. We will have to submit a possible method to identifying the various pollutants within the canal, and also how to remove them. We will have to search other polluted water sites and look for similar strategies to use for the gowanus canal clean-up.

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Journal Entry 4

In class we learned many new strategies we are able to use everyday. The one I learned and enjoyed using the must would be the Library Database. I like this strategy because it is similar to Google Scholar but unlike Google Scholar it gives you access to information all over cuny sites. Also I found that this was very useful because now that I am able to access and learned how to access this information I can use it for any research paper or project I might have to do. Other than the library I am aware on how to use other search engines, databases and catalogs which is very important because not only can I use this for only my academic research projects but I also can use this for my Job or other research now learning a new technique and strategy.

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Research Journal 4- learned strategies

I have learned a lot in last few weeks. I used to use Google or Google scholar search engine most of the time to find information online. I didn’t know how to find information using library databases. I didn’t know what EBSCO is before this class. There are lot more things which I didn’t know before this class. Searching strategies that I have learned in this class are not only helping me in my library class research paper but also these strategies helping me in research on Alzheimer disease in my Chemistry class. I am very happy that I took this class and learned so many techniques for searching reliable information.

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Research journal blog post

What I learned  for the past few weeks was that there are many ways to search for a specific information. Honestly, I always thought there were just one or two ways: go on Google or use its advanced search engine called Google Scholar and type for any keywords that is familiar to the topic you are looking for. When I was in this class however, I learned that there are a lot more ways and search engine program that are more accurate and useful that Google. For instance, a library database such as EBSCO and  CQ. Both of them has given me great results for searching  for my topic.  Unlike normal search engine like Google, most of the articles that they  suggested me where relevant to my topic. The only thing I hated about using those advanced internet searching proggram was the fact that some of the articles had to be purchased  in order to read it completely. But overall, thanks to this class, my searching skills has improved. I feel more confident searching for my topics because its now fast and easy to do so.

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New knowldege

Ive learned a great deal of searching techniques over these past few weeks. Techniques which were all new to me. I didn’t know how to navigate through the internet efficiently,  let alone be able to gather information accordingly. I would get overwhelmed by all the features spread out all over the databases which are suppose to make my search easier, but it did the exact opposite. Now I know about truncation, phrase and nested searching. As for library catalogs, I am now aware of its applications that narrow down the search results making it easier for me get to the core information. I feel better prepared for whenever I get a research project future. I would always panic when I hear about a research project because of my insufficient gathering tactics.  Even outside of class, I’m more confident in terms of getting informed since I know how to find the and organize the information now.

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Search Engine VS Database

I have learned how to find information efficiently and accurately in different ways in this course. I used search engine mostly because it is simple and fast. I just type keywords in search box, it will pull out tons of articles. Sometimes, many of articles probably are irrelevant to the topic. Sometimes the articles are not accurate and credible on the internet.  School teachers usually courage students to use database to search information than using search engine. It is been organized by provider, so information found in database is more reliable and credible. Students can discover more relevant articles when using the database.


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Search Engines and Databases

This class covered a vast majority of ways to use and provide different types of information. I’ve learned to access various databases throughout the school’s library website.  Even though I am open to explore the world of information, sometimes my head hurts when I take in too much at one time. Hopefully when the semester is over, I won’t have to succumb to any more headaches as I am able to process and interpret any amount of information that stands in my way. I plan to use that knowledge to further improve my academic performance in future classes. Also, my trust in new search engines and databases has broaden. I guess the biggest thing I’ve learned is to trust professionals. Never again I will doubt what is being given to me, unless the information I receive ends up deceiving me from the truth.

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Search engine vs Database

I have learned a few new features in the past several weeks. The most useful tool would probably be the scaffolding and limitation techniques that you can use with the various databases. Initially I would search with my usual natural language statements and then wade my way through the various articles until I found something useful. I never expanded my search to include publication, date, source or other parameters that could be used to narrow search results mostly because I didn’t know that this option existed. I had always preferred search engine research to database research for the reason that search engines were easier to navigate. Now I greatly prefer databases to search engines as I found more relevant information with the ability to limit and narrow my search results.

Jessica Bilikiewicz

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