According to our assigned text book “Research Strategies”, Badke states that, “Any database is only as useful as its retrieval capability. If you can’t get out what you need when you need it, then what you have is a data warehouse, not a database”,
A such statement depicts the power and significance of what so called “metadata”, and other related terms which are technically- new for me!
Honestly, I have learned a lot from the reading about the technical aspects of how to deal effectively with information.
Metadata is simply- a set of data that describes and gives information about other data.
It is a descriptive information that accompanies the data being searched for in a database. It is related to other terms …. record, retrieval, and controlled vocabularies.
A record is a document that provides a description of a piece of data.
Controlled vocabularies do not depend on keyboards from titles; they deal with the topic of the book- what the book is actually about)- regardless of what the title may indicate; they are a good solution to the problem of retrieval.
combining controlled vocabulary and keyboard searching is a format of getting more creative.
There are some abbreviations relate to Library of Congress Subject Headings: UF (Used for), BT (Boarder term), NT (Narrower term), and RT (Related term).