Tag Archives: TECHNOLOGY

Technology Takeover

In the video ” Laws that Choke Creativity”, the main argument that was displayed was that human beings are incapable of doing anything for themselves anymore. Technology, while one of our biggest accomplishments, is also one of man kinds greatest downfalls. Unfortunately, technology has made people lazy. People lack communication skills because everything is verbalized through text (the slang kind at that). One drawback that arises from the constant texting, is that people’s grammar skills are diminishing. Another example that proves that technology is making people lazy is that most car owners cannot walk a block without complaining. I have seen it time and time again where car owners will drive their car to the corner store. Soon enough the side walk will be replaced with same level escalators so that no body will have to walk anywhere- a great invention indeed -___-. To me it is just sad how 90% of people will just about go bonkers if their phone was disconnected as opposed to running water.  Technology in its advances may be a beautiful thing for mankind because it shows that we can do extraordinary things; but such extraordinary things are diminishing was man kind was brought up to be: social, interactive, and go getters, as opposed to just thinking everything was just going to be handed over to you.

Chapter 1 (Badke) & New York Times Article

Dated June 1982, this article in the New York Times by Robert Reinhold goes into details about technology and how it could transform society. Today in 2015; in my opinion we as a society have already reached a conclusion with respect to technology and how societies transformations by modern technology are in full force and we are all being affected daily.
But does modern technology really change the true meaning of family time and life; as suggested in the article; the author mentioned the “profound effect commercial television and automobile had on society in earlier centuries,” In my opinion, I believe anyone living in this century will not want to be stagnant and live where there are not changes and exciting innovations made available daily to them.
I can say from experience, that electronic information made life easier for me in general. In my opinion, the effects on society will be sometimes overwhelming but if you look at he bigger picture recent, modern and emerging technologies can be very beneficial to society as a whole.
William Badke, in Research Strategies wrote about several issues and notions to take into consideration with dissecting “WWW” and its gatekeepers. Electronic information having gatekeepers can hurting the quest for information especially for scholars. I use WWW several times daily and Mr. Badke’s detailed information about accessing and sharing information using technology uncovered information that I was not aware of. I truly believe as stated before that all information related in both articles can be either good or bad and one must educate themself in order to make right choices when it comes to using modern and emerging technologies.

Technology is Making us Lazy

In both William Badke’s, Research Strategies: Finding Your Way Through the Information Fog, and  Robert Reinhold’s New York Times article entitled,”Study Says Technology Could Transform Society”, that although there is no denying the inevitable truth that the technological advances that have been made thus far have made society as a whole more prosperous , however, technology in its entirety has made us lazy.  According to Badke, he states that even though gatekeepers of modern society are still of importance, that ” on  the WWW, gatekeepers are no longer required.”  This is a huge uprising issue in particular to students, because without experts proof reading/editing these articles, all articles are now being questioned for liability. Often times students use the standard search engines such as Google or Bing  as opposed to a scholarly data base within their school’s library.  The downfalls to these search engines are their lack of accountability. The quality of one’s writing is diminished and the potential of that student is undermined. Like wise, in Reinhold’s article, he speaks of technology basically taking over the world; which was a spot on  prediction of what modern’s society would look like. In all, old customs from buying clothes to reading a book to acquire knowledge, has been tampered with due to the advancements in technology. Now, everything we want is at the edge of our fingertips.