Tag Archives: media

Details …. Devil ….. Media

The title “The Devil in the Details” reduced many exciting themes which is fully perceived  and then typically represented by the media in many forms; forms of how media is attracted by details in order to establish a known environment of media propaganda.

Most often media does not need details, it may need only some details or merely outlines, then it accomplishes the targeted mission or agenda by using known media’ traditions and capabilities.

As long as the details are food and commodity of media, that means indirectly- there is an alliance with the devil which is hiding in details. Consequently, respondents should be ready to hear and perceive the worst “ritual abuse” in regards to media’s coverage of controversial topics.

In this context, the article analyzed how the media has different traditions to use and employ economic, organizational, professional, and socio-cultural values, in consistent with different processes for establishing credibility or validity of facts, which might lead to some kinds of conflict.

Why a Zine?

IMG_1741 devotion


I chose to do a zine about Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago, because it is part of my culture; a part of my culture I aways participate in, but was unable to this year. This zine depicts all the interesting and amazing parts, slangs and objects of  Carnival the greatest show on earth. Instead of reading a lengthly article about Carnival this zine gives all the details in as few as 8 pages. It was a great experience creating it.

Critical Thinking/Zines

In the first passage I read written by Thomas Eland, he really spoke about how most of the media shown by major corporations has pretty much biased or distracting information making the public that watches their television shows, films and reads their books blind from other kinds of topics that mostly have to do with humanity and the economy. Thomas further elaborates on this by stating that most of what is shown to the public by these corporations is to make money or to gain some sort of profit from it. He makes many valid points and I cant help but agree with most of it  considering news stations like “FOX” show favoritism to republican parties. This isn’t the only news station thats a bit corrupt, other news stations only show dramatic events that will get them more viewers, higher rating  or pull in a certain crowd that they lacking. It is true that the media is the strongest weapon of all because of its ability to control the masses.

With all these media forms throwing biased ideas or profitable garbage at the public I am not surprised something line “Zines” came about. While reading the passage about zines,its history and viewing its definition, I am convinced that this is a very Interesting way to show unfiltered information to the public. I liked the fact that If you post something that actually wont be tolerated by another site rules and regulations, it would actually stay there. Also the because nobody is gaining any profit from their Zines it makes it a more honest and trustworthy source of information although information could still be biased. In the very near future i see myself becoming a “zine-ster”.

Critical Thinking: Pros And Cons.

I agree with Eland Thomas about how critical thinking is important, moreover, I agree, that information which is presented for public censored and sorted and never reflect for hundred percent the reality. De omnibus dubitandum – come under question, thats what Rene Descartes offered in this case and I, personally, take it. I understand the author’s idea about nonprofit press ether, but in his proclamation (because it is what it is) he forgets two very important facts: underground press and publishing agency can be corrupt too, and it’s almost impossible to be clear and critical, when we talk about Hot News, like, for example, couple days ago, plain crushed somewhere in Asia, and some agency told it was a plain, and some report it was a helicopter, and, I bet, some of them just ignored it. Critical thinking is good for everything, except quick respond, mass media, especially periodical part of it, will not survive without gate keeping and assortment control from the side; from the other side, because critical thinking its method of logical thinking, and moreover, its scientific method – its take time and certain level of understanding from person who use it. Government control over media happened not only because somebody tried to keep some information in secret, but because majority will not understand it, or even worse – understand it wrong.

Another two articles describe and explain zines as a genre of literature. Which is, in my opinion definitely not new, authors just forget about salon writing of eighteen and ninety century, when people did absolutely the same and even at the same form.

Convergent Media

In their work Networked Digital Media in Everyday Life, Graham and Young use iTunes as a perfect example of convergence technology in action. The application was created by using three aspects that never mixed together before: media content, computer hardware and communications. Moreover, authors pointed that what significant for iTunes is characterizing the whole modern media industry. Graham and Young go very deep in their explanation how technological progress affects and shapes society and as a result, how society affects it back. Authors bring a lot of different points of view from many researchers and sociologists but in general, picture looks for me like Ouroboros – a snake eating its own tale. Society creates technology, technology reforms society. But what  really kept my attention was the point  that authors just lightly touch: even with ability to create modern media with using ideas of democracy and equality people built it in absolutely opposite way. All modern media companies built with corporate structure – very strict and limited.

Another good passage, in my opinion, was about four aspects that shape technology: design, marketplace, policy debates and end usage. Authors pointed that technology is a content, in other words, technology is a key moment in understanding trends of modern society. Design part shows the cultural level, policy discussion reflects level of social responsibility, marketplace displays value and end usage – level of social adaptation.