Tag Archives: documentation

Process Documentation

This YouTube video is a documentation of the steps involved in created a hanging indent for a works cited page in MLA format. What is great about this form of documentation is that it is easily understood and very direct. In addition this video record preservs knowledge thanks to the aid of the internet. Most of us if not all, have been in the situation where we needed to refresh our minds on formatting a works cited page for a research paper. Luckily this knowledge is preserved and readily available for access. Another Good feature about this process of documentation is that the message is clearly brought across directly and quickly  to the viewer. In this video there is commentary, direction aswell as images all packed in one and because of this it’s safe to assume that one day, video records may become the number one form of documentation. Last but not least, because the video documentary is educational, the creator gives permition for reuse which further benefits the academic community.

Process Documentation

In this video Chef Greg gave step by step details how to cook a pieces of salmon. Even though the chef  made many jokes in the video; it was an easy video to follow to get an end product. The video was place strategically so that all of the steps was clear and easy to follow along.

 With respect to his accent some people may not be able to understand his accent; as I was reviewing the comments some viewers thought his accent made the video hilarious.

In my opinion the video was well documented and structured and I actually learn something new about cooking salmon with respect to the color it should be when cooked throughly.

William Maldonado:Criticizing Beef Chili documentation

The documentation on a video which explains how make Beef and bean chili recipe made by George which was very clear and straight forward. Although nothing is written down and most of it is visual they do explain each ingredient they’ll use as it is added. The documentation on how to cut and prepare the ingredients is mostly visual with a little bit of vocal explanation since it is a video if one misses something one can always just rewind the video to the section you last remember listening to. After they show you how to prepare the ingredients they tell the viewer how to cook it, when to add it, and how long to cook it along with additional documentation on more specific details provided in a link which is in the about section of the video post on YouTube.

Critique of Documentation.

I went to Wikihow to get a step by step on how to make a saline solution, I chose method 2 of 2.  Step 1 is to mix one cup of water and ½ a teaspoon of salt into a pan; it does ask to make sure the salt is iodized.  Step 2 is to cover the pan for 15 minutes and to allow the solution to come to a boil, within those 15 minutes it is recommended that you to prepare a vessel (jar or a neti pot) to hold the solution once it is done.  One detail that would have been appreciated for step 2 is how high I do set the temperature of the stove because too low and it might take longer than 15 minutes to bring the water to a boil.  In the final step your saline solution is ready for use; I plan to use it for a sore throat so I added lemon juice to the solution.  This walk-through does capture the process, the only critique I have is that the directions should be written in a more detailed manner.

Summary of today, and reading/blogging for Wednesday, April 22

Today we discussed documentation and citation from the book excerpts by Hauptman and by  Bugeja and Dimitrova, and also reviewed the research paper writing process. We watched a video on how to use the Notebook feature of EasyBib. More EasyBib tutorials are available here.

On Wednesday we’ll continue our documentation discussion, moving into the practical applications of documentation. Please read the following 2 articles:
Edge, “Write it Down!”
Robinson, “Documentation Dilemmas
Your blogging assignment is to comment on one or 2 of your classmates’ blog posts totaling at least 100 words. The research paper draft is due by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 27 and the research paper final is due by 10 a.m. on Monday, May 11.

~Prof. Leonard

documentation and sources

Both articles are very interesting and informative. ‘Vanishing Act’ describe the problem with lifetime of sources for magazines and ‘Documentation’ explain the importance of source citing and commenting in a way of better understanding and presentation for readers and authors. The fact that internet source live for so short period of time force me to be grateful that Wayback Machine is already exist. From the other side, historical explanation of collaboration experience not helping to fight with plagiarism, as far , as I understand  Hauptman, the auditorium always should be smarter and more erudition then the author, otherwise they will be mocked.


Why we document

It was quite interesting to read why we document things we write. I knew about the reasons Protection and Acknowledgment, but I never thought about Commentary, Tracing, or Validation. I always cited sources because I had to and to not get into trouble when it came to plagiarism, but now it makes sense that it also helps out readers in understanding a document more. Documentation adds credibility and further reading for those interested. With commentary the documentation can also add the author’s voice to the piece, without taking away from the main part of the document itself.

Documentation and Purpose

In the excerpt on Documentation by Robert Hauptman, the various applications of documentation are explored. These include: acknowledgement, attribution, tracing, validation, protection and commentary which are sometimes inter-related. Depending on the nature of the work and by what type of individual,  whether an expert in the field or a just a mere mortal such as myself, the purposes for documentation and citation varies. For expert researchers, most if not all of these applications may be used in his or her work for reasons such as giving credit to those that influenced his or her work, aswell as for an attribute or proof for a new discovery.

With the existence of copyright law and what it means to owners of intellectual property, the purpose for documentation by average users may be differ from experts. For fear of being accused or threat of a suit, non-expert researchers may use documentation mainly for the acknowledgment and protection purposes.


Research paper writing wrap-up and blogging & reading assignments for Thursday and Monday

Today we discussed writing an academic research paper. Slides from today are available here. The writing prompts are adapted from the book They Say, I Say, available at the City Tech library (2014 and older editions available).

On Monday we will discuss the rationale for documentation and citation. Please read the following: Hauptman, pp. 7-13 (distributed in class; if you missed class you can get it on reserve in the library with this call number: PN171 .F56 H38 2008) and Bugeja and Dimitrova, “What, in fact, causes footnotes to vanish?” pp.33-39 from their book Vanishing Act (download from the City Tech library using the barcode from your college ID to authenticate). Write one 100-word reading response blog post for those articles by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 20. Because I overlooked assigning 2 articles before Break, there is another blog post due tomorrow (not today as the outline was due). Please read the following 2 articles: Fister, The Devil in the Details and Grimmelman, The Google Dilemma and write a 100-word reading response blog post, due by 10 a.m. on Thursday, April 16.

We watched a video showing how to track changes in Word:


I’ll try to return your outlines by the end of the week. Questions about upcoming assignments? Get in touch.

~Prof. Leonard