Author Archives: fatih

Process Documentation

I chose this video of how to crack an egg with one hand. People might used to do that every day easily in a mechanical way. Yet, it is a problem for some, I think it becomes a problem when one thinks it is. It is not funny to say that it needs some confidence … yes, some confidence and speed as the instructions stated.

Unlike the video title “how to crack an egg with one hand”; the ingredients says: Eggs, is there any difference? The video explains. The equipment: A bowl and Just one hand, that is funny.

The steps are; to hold the egg across your fingers, ends pointing outward, not towards your fingertips; swiftly rap the egg on the countertop, just enough to crack the shell through, but not hard enough to crush the egg. Over a bowl, use your thumb to pull half of the shell away. Think of the egg as if it had a hinge in the center. Pull half the shell away on that hinge, and let the yolk and white drop out into the bowl.

Once again, confidence and speed are the most important parts of this little technique. Also, practice makes perfect; try doing this each time you crack an egg for a recipe, and see how quickly you’ll master it.


I agree with you in what you said; moreover, google has tools of utmost importance in searching which are fast and easy to edit.
Generally, dealing with google is straightforward from the first time since no programming or database skills needed, no software installation required, and make search results available from the most popular to least popular.
Google search engine is so good in “ordering” the most relevant sites at the top of the results list by rating sites based on how many other sites link to it with the capability to Integrate with Google apps.
Once again, I agree with your statement that, “Google has a lot of tools that people probably don’t even know about”.

Rationale for documentation and citation

The reading somehow- covers different aspects toward the significance and importance conduct between the author and the reader.

Documentation and citation academically- play a great role as a connection between a writer and readers in particular contexts. Citation and documentation for sources should be in a way that is familiar to the readers in terms that addressing them as ones have intellectual relations and approaches with the writer.

There is strict reasons and standards for citation and attribution, wanting to know where the knowledge comes from, and wanting to be able to check it . Such aspects approach through tracing and validation.

Details …. Devil ….. Media

The title “The Devil in the Details” reduced many exciting themes which is fully perceived  and then typically represented by the media in many forms; forms of how media is attracted by details in order to establish a known environment of media propaganda.

Most often media does not need details, it may need only some details or merely outlines, then it accomplishes the targeted mission or agenda by using known media’ traditions and capabilities.

As long as the details are food and commodity of media, that means indirectly- there is an alliance with the devil which is hiding in details. Consequently, respondents should be ready to hear and perceive the worst “ritual abuse” in regards to media’s coverage of controversial topics.

In this context, the article analyzed how the media has different traditions to use and employ economic, organizational, professional, and socio-cultural values, in consistent with different processes for establishing credibility or validity of facts, which might lead to some kinds of conflict.

Mapping Brooklyn Exhibit

Most maps in “mapping Brooklyn exhibit” are expressive, and they spontaneously- draw one’s attention to things and ideas which have been seen normal and familiar at first glance!

“71 Square Miles map” was most interesting to me because the artist utilized a crazy idea rarely one could think of ; collected paper scraps lying in streets as waste; shaped,and converted them in a useful task or work.  Really, a such work has surprised me!

If you look closely at the map, you’ll find how every paper litter expresses and reflects a certain location at a certain street;  this is the creativity that always requires patience and long suffering not disparately available only in an artist.

Viewing this exhibit changed the way I perceived maps.  My Perception of maps was no more than the traditional rigid conception of the sites geographically, but now  I have realized the idea that maps have become an art forms to accommodate the requirements of daily life in convenient and easy way.

My  daily movements and the subsequent communication requires a plan or method of operation so as to memorize tasks, and prevent tasks from interfering with each other. Map ensures the implementation of these everyday tasks optimally.

internet search engine vs. library database

In regard to my research topic, I searched using roughly- the phrase “broadcast Media Influences” through internet engine “Google Scholar”.  I ended up with a lot information and results relevant to my topic, compared with a relatively less information but “more” relevant and accurate to the topic when I searched through City tech’s “database”.

Overall, both search engine and database are similar in term they characterized by a great degree of commitment and credibility over many other search engines. However, searching through City tech’s database is unique and shows a “professional” approach since you can manage and narrow your search using a classified categories.


Scholarly Resources ….

I was not there, but on my own I have applied advanced search strategies from the Badke reading to search for sources on my research topic.

In one of my previous courses and according to my instructor directions I used Google scholarly.

Google scholarly has many advantages over the the traditional common search, Google, Bing, etc… .  When I applied it on my topic,  I concluded to different narrow, “professional” sources that were not available in regular Google. It characterized with the format of broad index, in addition to the chances of accessing the full text without known difficulties- using some available cues.

Research … Diagnosis

I am working on choosing a topic and developing a research question for my paper. Definitely I have encountered many difficulties.

The first and significant one is a psychological approach of how to convince yourself to write a “brilliant” research instead of a “normal” one, according to Badke in his “Research Strategies”.

Since you have adapted your self to be familiar with a such belief, all other difficulties would have been of less importance.

The key to overcome difficulties that might arise later is to refine your topic proposal so as to come with a specific question to be answered.  Yet, It seems that there are many questions lead to sub questions when you are about pinpoint a specific question!

I don’t know …… I feel that everything ‘ll be ok, or I need to feel so … theoretically at least- at this earlier stage of writing a research!

Databases …… Searching Engines

Once again I keep learning new informations with Badke, in his detailed article, “Database Searching with Keywords and Hierarchies”.

Badke has defined and explored clearly- most basic terms and concepts in consideration to the technical approach of how to deal smoothly- with searching engines.

A “database” is any collection of data that can be retrieved using organized search procedures, phone directories, library catalogs, journal databases, …… etc.

A “database record” is a description of the content  that stands in the place of actual content when you search a database.

In keyword searching, the strong ability of computers which is the ability to find words, is used.

Words by themselves have no definite meaning ; words are capable of a variety of meanings. Meaning of a word is only established when that word is placed in a context.

Regarding hierarchies, in research you must know where you are ____ _____ _______________.

In the hierarchy

These are some features of an interesting journey with searching engines !