Author Archives: fatih

Access denied ….. Digital divide

Samuelson’s analytic article,”Aaron Swartz: Opening access to knowledge” has drawn my attention- other way- basically to the “need” for access itself,

The article has stated a significant Aaron’s theme, “The Internet provides amazing opportunities to open (more) access to knowledge”, in assumption that the (primary) access is extremely available, which is eventually not true in “digital world” accompanied with “digital divide”.

Digital divide, or the digital “split”, is a social issue refer to the differentiation and distinction in information quantity between those who have access to the Internet and those who do not have access.

Once again… we live in “information Era”, one of its significant consequence is the “Internet” technology which contains the most essential database for learning; hence, lack of access impacts learning or “knowledge”.

I refer a such divide to social barriers that prevent many working class and poor Americans, especially Americans of color from having adequate technological access; they might be unable to handle technology services’ fees due to lowest-paying, most-unstable job, and lack full-year jobs which in turn- are direct results of health constraints and lack of higher education.

Plagiarism! reading between lines …

Incredible …. amazing ! that what I repeated unconsciously- while i was reading the article, “The plagiarist’s Tale” for the author of “Assassin of Secrets”, yet now revealing his own secret.

35 years old, named, Quentin Rowan, is a professional plagiarist has huge capabilities to write … i mean, to weave new texture format of what he reads, plagiarize, or steal.

I think that he was clever enough to play in an area that shows the subtle distinction between “borrowing” ideas and “plagiarism”.

Because, “plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else’s work and lying about it afterward”, according to

When he has interviewed, he keeps saying ‘I’m addicted’. But I think it is a matter relevant to psychological aspects … he is a liar.

Copyright… Non human Amendment!



The news: “In its first revision in over two decades, the U.S. Copyright Office has published a new draft update to its existing rules regarding ownership of photographs, text and art, stating that non-human beings cannot own copyright” ,

They came as a draft , remains on review until it will then be official law ….. Monkey selfies can not be copyrighted.

I don’t know if the claim has not yet been settled, and what is the consequences or situation’s changes in case that British wildlife photographer David Slater seeks interference and help of court !

According to the new rules which supports Wikimedia’s claim that such works produced by “nature, animals or plants,” cannot claim copyright – I disagree with them to some extent- about how we differentiate or interpret the spontaneous nature’s behavior other than intended or “programmed” one that has already been arranged by external “human” factor!

In my opinion, the dispute should consider a minimum limit of flexibility in regard to identify clearly- all different technical aspects related to ownership.

Open Data Right !

Open data simply, demonstrates concepts of non control and free availability- at least for “certain” data of essential theme in our everyday life.

I support a such policy since vital circumstances concern our social, economical, and medical aspects of today life  is of an urgent importance, with which the scheme of “open data” is inevitable.

In a dynamic fast world of today which is characterized by interests exchange , data revolution in terms of internet, and world wide web (www)  – play a significant role in making people share their life experiences; thus they can contribute with prosperous ideas that serve the society.

In general, open data is consistent with our age’s nature and rhythm; moreover, I don’t exaggerate if i claim that open data (most often) be a right as well as- other basic rights that have been sponsored by constitution!



Media Freedom … Paradox

I am really impressed by the notion that Thomas Eland initiated in his article, “Critical Thinking, Deviant Knowledge and the Alternative Press”, “we don’t often think much about how we know what we know about the world.”

I agree with the author that our precedent judgements- which is most often not convenient- govern the way we handle significant issues concerning other societies.

I believe in media as – cause, result, and effective tool for inspiring the “conscience” of nation through presenting the information “knowledge” in a neutral form, in order to give every one the right to initiate and then practice his own ideas as well as other rights.

The theme of our recent time is a world full of opposed interests motivated by hidden agenda of politics and economy, which is necessarily influence the knowledge negatively.

Let us fight the “command” media by the Anti one!

Media Interchange!



Meikle & Young in their article “Media Convergence” depicted the different ways of media convergence in format of combination of content, computing and communication in our Everyday life.

Forms of I Tunes, I Phones, Androids are examples of typical media convergence which represent two faces … many faces- for one coin!

In the beginning, the basic purpose of Digital Media was for specific reason, soon it has been manipulated to multiple alternatives according to societies’ needs and wants.

Since we are now able to do many tasks at one time …. imagine that we can make our phone calls while we browse web sites, watch videos, and comment in Facebook , I feel that we are about to deal with the “customization” dilemma and find practical solution for it.

Multimedia … Archiving! Paradox



Although e readers and tablets are spreading allover according to the fast development in technology, but still “traditional” reading on paper has special “taste” , at least for our generation  who is familiar with the tools of traditional educational system.

It is known in terms of scientific point of view- that reading “process” is a mental approach which is absolutely connected with mind which in turn is the “brain” in its a “anatomical” form or structure,.

According to the article, “The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens” Researches has demonstrated what is known as “object recognition” which makes one capable to differentiate between an apple from an orange; and term of “mental representation of the text”, such proven concepts have concluded that ” in most cases, paper books have more obvious topography than onscreen text” which is capable to motivate and enhance unique advantages.



Jill Lepore, in his article, ”The Cobweb” narrated  in interesting way- how Brewster Kahle wanted to archive every website, in order that digital version of library could be obtained.

I agree with the author that a such mechanism helps guiding users to websites being tagged “Not Found” ; could help in court cases as an evidence; moreover, it could be used officially- for security purposes.

Information Technology strategy and Society


Societies transformed from traditional “oral” nature where knowledge passed down from generation to another, up to now where we experience the tremendous complicated technology. Such transformations represent the normal cycle of human development throughout history.

The best advantage that resulted of writing invention through printing press technology was the emergency of practical method of keeping documents, rather than depending on memorizing “data” which is often exposed for loss.

I believe that writing invention was a turning point in human kind history; consequently, the key for all subsequent triumphs which finally has crowned by the creation of what so called “WWW”.

We should not be worried about the side effects of information technology which is- willy nilly- we would handle

Robert Reinhold in his article,”Study Says Technology Could Transform Society”, in New York Times has depicted and  anatomized most of potential side effects of such transformation, yet by balancing benefits and risks society might benefit a lot.

We should not be anxious and worried toward unanticipated influencers of technology, since we can activate anti actions using technology itself!