Tag Archives: creativity

Mapping Brooklyn:William Maldonado

The map that captured my interest the most was the map by Sharon Zukin because it didn’t really look like a map due to the fact that is wasn’t from a sky view or include different sections of a city but just simply her view while sitting in the A train at 1am. This broadened my horizon to thinking that anything in our sight is a map as long as it could be mapped out. That it doesn’t necessarily need streets to be considered a map. Sharon proved that in that drawing of her ride home the way she mapped out not only what she saw but also what she thought about what she saw.

Sharon Zukin – Naked City


Copy write laws and a monkey’s selfie.

This story about the Macaque monkey really threw me of , my very first thought was, the photographer is English, the selfie was taken in Indonesia and yet there are law suits about United States Copy write laws. Or! Is it because Wikimedia is under U.S Jurisdiction? Either way this article is evidence that most things are dictated by individuals or well, gatekeepers in my opinion.
Additionally, it was very interesting to see how this article reports he claims the photo was a selfie by the Macaque monkey. Another article I read, where I quite support him, was one which claimed he had framed and set up that particular shot, prior to giving the macaque the remote shutter release.
I am also aware that they are only saying that he cannot copyright the picture, and therefore has no monopoly. He cannot prevent anybody from using the photos and cannot require those who do to compensate him. Maybe, if he had done some minor photoshop on this picture that could off worked; but then again no, because the copy write laws also states that photoshopping an image does not make it a completely new work eligible for copyright. I would also think that any image on my camera belongs to me if no other human was involved in it’s making. But, also then again who is to say since we are being kept behind the gates with some of those laws regarding self expressions and creativity.

Copyright and Creativity

Copyright law protects intellectual property. No ifs, no buts – it is, what it is. Anyone who is rowing against it  just not familiar with basic concept of private property in general. The idea of private owning is fundamental not only for economy, it’s even more important for structure of the government. Of course, when the whole generation was raised with child mentality, when people not even try to create something but just copying everything what already exist, idea about protection of intellectual property looks not right. And of course, it’s not people fault they being breeding that way, person with child mentality not creator, he is user. That’s why more and more people forget how to built desktop tower from the part, how to fix the car, even how to cook at home. Generation of creators much less profitable and much more complicated in terms of world commerce and ruling. But why the whole generation stop thinking critically? Why people fighting for insignificant things instead trying to change situation and themselves? Because  Orwell’s Big Brother really exist- it’s muss media , social network , all virtual space in general, and he is dancing and laughing and the whole world doing the same like being hypnotized. People think they doing something real when they create some ice water challenge or whatever you call it, but truly it’s fake. If only you can see wider you’ll see that whol entertainment social media concept with open and closed data, accessibility, connection and anything else you can imagine was create to keep people (users) from real life, real creation, make nations(majority) even more dependable from people who really own power(knowledge, information). The whole idea, if people want to change this situation, they should stop fighting around copyrighting and information pools which are already exist, but start to create  new pools, which will be built on a different principals and will be regulate differently, with no monopoly right , unfair copywriting, with high level of credibility, etc. And it’s can’t be just a wish, people can’t just relegate this to somebody else, it must be social responsibility of every person who connect with that source of information.

When did being creative become copying?

In the video by Lessig, “Laws that Choke Creativity” many strong points were made about the the laws of copyright as a force that prevents the production of new works. One of the key points that Lessig made that stood out to me was that the use of intellectual property to recreate something new was not copying as it becomes something entirely different. This fact lead me to believe that copyright holders and enforcers alike, use these laws as a means to protect financial interests rather than promote innovation. Luckily the world is changing and heading into a direction where the advancement in digital technologies expose the blatant abuse of copyright laws. For example, teenagers can now create their own unique music videos by using pieces from other videos and combine it into one. The beauty of this is that, it is something that is popular in our culture and is growing everyday. I believe copyright holders should allow students and everyone in general to build on their ideas because copying meant doing everything the same way last time I checked. And be honest, everyone wants to be different, that’s how we evolve as a human race.

Is creativity gone or not?

In the video titled, ” Laws that Choke Creativity”, there was a few things and points that popped out to me. For starters what Sousa had said was on point and we are seeing a lot of it now with  the younger generation. He calls technology, “infernal machines”- a large fire that is out of control. I do believe that technology has become out of control. We are at a point where a car can park on its own – lets get real. Have we become THAT lazy. He says that we are going to have no vocal chords – due to an evolution. I also agree with that statement. Much of the younger generations don’t have many communication skills- verbally that is- everyone KNOWS how to text non-stop, all day. He states that society is “displaced”. Displaced is a word that I have heard older people describe my generation. All we know is technology, according to older crowds – we don’t know how to manually do anything!
Another point that stuck out at me was the broadcasting section of the video. I noticed that gate-keeping was mentioned indirectly. ASCAP was the company that had gate-keeping. They were the ones who played the most popular music. That seemed opinionated to me. Then when BMI came out, they played public domain works, including African music. To me, that seemed like they were more open minded – democratic, as the video calls them”. As the weeks go by and we read and learn more about internet based issues or history, I always ask myself, so is it a curse or a blessing?????