Tag Archives: broadcasting

Is creativity gone or not?

In the video titled, ” Laws that Choke Creativity”, there was a few things and points that popped out to me. For starters what Sousa had said was on point and we are seeing a lot of it now with  the younger generation. He calls technology, “infernal machines”- a large fire that is out of control. I do believe that technology has become out of control. We are at a point where a car can park on its own – lets get real. Have we become THAT lazy. He says that we are going to have no vocal chords – due to an evolution. I also agree with that statement. Much of the younger generations don’t have many communication skills- verbally that is- everyone KNOWS how to text non-stop, all day. He states that society is “displaced”. Displaced is a word that I have heard older people describe my generation. All we know is technology, according to older crowds – we don’t know how to manually do anything!
Another point that stuck out at me was the broadcasting section of the video. I noticed that gate-keeping was mentioned indirectly. ASCAP was the company that had gate-keeping. They were the ones who played the most popular music. That seemed opinionated to me. Then when BMI came out, they played public domain works, including African music. To me, that seemed like they were more open minded – democratic, as the video calls them”. As the weeks go by and we read and learn more about internet based issues or history, I always ask myself, so is it a curse or a blessing?????